Thursday, October 27, 2005


So there was a book sale at UIS the other day… get this, it was on the HONOR SYSTEM! There was a jar on a chair and it said: $1 Tapes, $2 CDs, $3 Software and $3 Books. Craziness! I picked up a few books for myself and grabbed enough money for lunch the next day as well.

But speaking of books, I’m currently on “The Science of Superheroes.” Tim, you need to pick this one up. It’s a science book but uses superhero scenarios to bring up the different topics. They figure out the mass of Krypton based on how high Superman could initially leap in the comics (1/8 mile). They show a nearly scientifically plausible way to create a 8 foot tall, muscle-bound, roid-raging, scientist who when he loses control actually glows green. And they show how most of Spidey’s superpowers aren’t related to spiders at all, but how he would have still been an awesome character if they had held more true to the arachnids. Excellent book… if you’re a nerd… and I am.

I wasn’t going to talk anymore about F.E.A.R. but by my boys at Penny Arcade made a comic strip and it’s SO true. At one point I had a failed attempt to sneak in through my bedroom window to scare Scott when I knew he was playing the game. Sadly I made too much noise and he caught me before I had set foot inside the room. But its not his fault, the game's creepy as hell. Another time I came home and this dialogue transpired between Scott and I, apparently he didn't want to play it alone anymore (which I wouldn't want to do either):
Scott: “Good, Thank God you’re home.”
Me: “FEAR?”
Scott: “Terrifying.”


Rob said...

Alright, so another quick update:

I should have more apartment info coming soon. I've got my eye on one at the moment and I'll keep you updated. I got a copy of Microsoft Money 2006 and I'm keeping track of my finances and it's freakin awesome - more on that when I figure it out.

I've got 2 papers due next week and another 50-60 hours working, so I'll continue to be super busy here... bear with me.

To Kimmy and Melinda: You guys still qualify as regular posters even though I left AWR forever ago. A year of devotion, that's beyond impressive. So Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Jen, I know you check every now and then so youget a shoutout here too. I mean, most of these other people are hometown/college friends or my blood and they're required to do this, but you guys are especially awesome. Screw it, I'm giving you your own posts sometime here too.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Man, there's quite the series of these science through comic Not only is there "The Science of Superheroes," there's also the sequel, "The Science of Supervillians," and "The PHYSICS of Superheroes." I vote we buy the last one and send it to Mr. Featherstone. I think EVERYTHING should be explained through comic books. Or Firefly.

Also, my extreme wussiness extends to interactive media. Even if my computer could allow it, I will never play F.E.A.R. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Rob I am intrigued (spelling bad) by this game you call F.E.A.R. I must see it sometime. From the sounds of it It sounds goary and nasty.....just the way i like it....

Anonymous said...

They also need a book how Superman can overcome that darn kryptonite when he gets near it.
