Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I’m a Peeping Tom

But I don’t mean to be. Sometimes I just can’t help it. Seriously, when you’re just walking around at night and there’s these windows just glaring at you, it peaks my curiosity. I don’t stare, I don’t even break stride, but my eyes always drift up to those bright, open windows.

I took note of this last night when I was taking out the garbage. You have to walk to the dumpster which has apartments all around, I don’t even remember there being a street light out there…. Just shiny beacons of window light in the pitch blackness, what else are you supposed to look at?!? I'm not looking or hoping for anything in particular, windows are just there!

I just know that one of these times, some girl is going to be changing clothes and it’s going to totally catch me off guard. And in my second of shock, before what’s happening can even register, THAT’s when she’s going to turn around and see me standing out there. I was GOING to avert my eyes! is what I’ll tell the cops. We don’t take kindly to perverts in these here parts is what they’ll reply to me… and then comes the pistol whip. There goes my career, my dignity, my life… It doesn’t help that I have so much black in my wardrobe as is.

Anyways, my second part of my being nosey post is I want to know what sites you frequent. And I’m not talking to Tim or Scott here, I pretty much know what sites they frequent, but they’ll tell us anyways I’m sure. So I’d like to see in your window… your browsing window that is. (Woah. That was painful. I apologize for that statement/pun. It wasn’t even intentional, it just came out.)

Here are my top 5 sites that every person should know about:

  1. www.google.com (Google Search, Google News and Google Images) utilize and worship. Click the button at the top right and personalize it if you’d like.
  2. www.wikipedia.org Online encyclopedia covering everything from Governor Blagojevich to where the metal in Wolverine’s claws came from.
  3. www.imdb.com Internet Movie DataBase. Anything you ever want to know about a movie, or actor, start here.
  4. www.fark.com Ridiculous news. Updated about every hour.
  5. www.digg.com Like Fark, but better, and about technology. For the tech-savvy or those who would like to be.


Scott said...

You know that's my room right?

Scott said...

Ok, I've found the time to reply. I use all of those except for Fark. I never really got into it, and now I see all those stories on digg where I feel like a part of the decision making process. The hell with your arbitrary non-interactive website.

But the ones I live at are imdb.com and wikipedia. Wikipedia has basically become the real world equivalent of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Slapped together, crooked editors, loved by all... not necessarily correct. IMDb is another great one. Ah love of trivia, thy name is Scott.

- Scott

Jake said...

Thanks for your list of websites that EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS ABOUT. I'm so lucky to have your internet commentary to teach me things I never could have possibly figured out...unless I actually used the internet.

But it's the thought that counts, I suppose. Pervert.