Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Three Post Day!

  • Alright, below is an open letter to one of my loving fans who recently left some feedback reguarding Tuesday's Post.
  • This Post here is simply a heads up. No big deal.
  • And coming later tonight is a REALLY special treat. I don't know what drove me to do what I'm about to, but its got a lot of potential. So start getting excited.

I feel like I should give you some content. I only slept 2 hours yesterday (10 am - 12 pm) and it was quite rough. But the paper's done and turned in. I had to go to class last night, which was a bit rough (6-9pm) on as little sleep as I had. But then to top it off, my genius roommate talked me into going to the movies last night to see Serenity. I hate him sometimes. Don't get me wrong it was a great movie, but I was going on VERY little sleep. I'm glad I went, but I still hate him. Seriously, just try playing Burnout with that kid. Its a racing game, and no matter the outcome, no matter how badly he lost, he'll talk about how he "kicked your ass in drift." Even in Burnout 4, when they no longer give your Drifted Distance at the end of the race, he makes it up. For those who may be missing the point, Drift is when you lose traction on your turns and has no real impact on the game or the winning of the game. But he yells about it everytime reguardless.

Oh and speaking of beating Scott at games. Current chess score: 6-0


Scott said...

Keep looking down your nose at my drift. You're jealous! One time I drifted so much the game had to accept that I had left the entire channel we were playing it on. The background channel changed to sitcoms and my car was drifiting through them! Everyone was like WTF? And WHAT AWESOME DRIFT! And "THAT GUY HAS REAL ULTIMATE POWER!!!@!!!11!"

Also, it's really charming in a "that racsal" type of way when I say it. When you describe it it's like I have some kind of "I can't lose" complex. This displeases us. Keep it up and I'll tell them all what the "special treat" is ahead of time. That's right I know. You're transparent to me!

- Scott

Jake said...

Oh, Rob, don't you realize that I love attention of any kind? Even your negative comments towards me ecourages me to comment more and more often, poking and proding until you lash out. Your letter only feeds my insaitable hunger to annoy. For that I thank and love you.

And yes, I am a Libertarian. Yet, I suspect you won't be so sarcastic about it 20 years from now when you're enjoying some nice, smooth, and legal marijuana!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Rob's Office Space 2.0 about Jakey McJake's dumb name and that commies should burn in hell.

Good luck with that chess game. Scott, when are you going to prove what a hussler you are? We're waiting for that one!


Jake said...

Do I even know you? I refuse to be slandered by a person who doesn't know me!!

Scott said...

Bastards! Jakey MacJake is my creation and I'll thank you all to piss off!

- Scott