Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I'm Down... I'm Jiggy.

You Remember Seseme Street? Remember the "One of these things do not belong here" game? Now do you remember last week when I said that I was visiting Ro's friends? Yeah, that was me. The one that didn't belong. And I'm not just talking about the testostrone searing through my vains either. Actually it wasn't weird or awkward at all, Ro's friends are awesome. They're all just like she is... super nice, super excitible, cute little super friends.

So we (Ro, two other friends and I) were driving through the ghetto in Chicago. And as we passed a bilboard advertising a Maroon5 concert they started acting all excited. At what point I yelled at them all for ruining our street cred and trying to get us shot. So I just wanted Scott and all my other Hommies to know that yes, I did Represent whil in Chi-Town. Fifty Cents is my homeboy. I'm totally down with Jayzee and M&M's.

But for my commitment to you, my blogites, I will make sure that you continue to waste as much time as possible. I want to remind you about AddictingGames.com and tell each and every one of you to download StumbleUpon. It is SO worth it. You will never be bored again! If you have any questions/comments/problems let me know, you're probably not the only one. Right now, Ro is the only person who I know is wasting her life away with Stumble, so let me know what you think!


Anonymous said...

It's "One of these things is not like the others" just to let you know!

Glad you know your rap! Keep gettin jiggy, yo!


Scott said...

I'll have you know thou destable cos, I too am wasting my young life on StumbleUpon. I had to take it off the tool bar to finish studying for my "Don't-fail-it-or-you-fail-out-of-college" Exam today. I've found some pretty sweet sites though. Twice I was the first person EVER to stumble upon them. At least through Stumble. They tell you with a little window that pops up and you feel like you've just won the internet lotto. I'm the first, the best, the ULTIMATE!

After yelling that twice my neighbors came and checked on me. Damn the lack of soundproofing in these apartments. Anyway, I'm glad you got to spend the weekend with a bunch of girls. But how dare you ride around in a car with a bunch of girls screaming about Maroon5, then criticize me about pissing today away doing dishes, shopping, and cooking dinner.

My God man! I just read that. I DO need to do something manly. I guess I'll go beat up some theater kids. Yeah, that's the ticket. Then back to blogging.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob,

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy with my new job. How's the government job stuff coming along? The clean cut look will probably work better, although I like scruffy drug dude.
You guys be careful driving in strange neighborhoods...you ain't in Jerseyville.


P.S. What the heck happened at AWR? Donna finally getting that cough checked out? Kim, you should have been boss long ago, right Rob?

Anonymous said...

I may have ruined my street cred by admitting that I like Maroon 5 in the middle of the ghettos of Chicago... but the radio station doesn't seem to think so. It played your homeboy Fiddy Cent and Maroon 5 back to back.

Have fun beating up the theatre kids. I can't STAND those kids.

And once again, I LOVE Stumble.