Friday, April 01, 2005

Jobs, Jobs and More Jobs

Ok. Update. As brief as possible so I can get on the good stuff.
  1. The City of Evanston is hiring a "Recreation Program Manager." That's up in Chicago and it's someone who puts together city programs and functions and stuff. I can SO do that. And they pay 20-25 an hour, 40 a week. I can SO VERY MUCH do that. That is getting taken care of first thing this morning.
  2. There's another job in Skokie that I qualified for, that I haven't decided what I'm going to do with. If it was in Springfield, I'd take it, but being in Chicago - I don't think that the $11 an hour starting pay will cut it.
  3. I've got an appointment with 2 placement agencies in Springfield on Tuesday and 3 others that I'm sending resumes too that didn't seem real optimistic. (as a side note, I had one of them laugh at me when I said I was trying to get a job through CMS... he said with the state's hiring freeze and them laying more and more people off right now due to budget cuts, there was little to no hope there.)
But here's my GREAT plan, Ro agrees. I should open an icecream shop, but not just any icecream shop, The Icecream Shop. I'm gonna make Icecream Shops the cool place to hang out again. "But Rob, Icecream Shops are lame!" Not this one! For one, it's gonna be the highest quality Icecream imaginalbe... that's right, Gelato (delicious italian icecream). But that's not gonna be the kicker, there's more. It's gonna be the "Hooters" of the icecream world. That's right, a sit down "Hello, May I take your order" Icecream shop with hotty-hot waitresses and skimpy clothing. Ro's contribution was that you give the icecream as Two Scoops side by side all the time, and top each one with a cherry. And when you want more, we have larger scoopers. You can get an A-Cup (of icecream) through a DD-Cup. There's always the Trainers sized for the lil' kiddies. "So what, then may I ask, are you gonna call this wonderful new place?"



Scott said...

Nice work. That Chicago thing looks pretty sweet. In fact I'd say it's sweeet. That's right, sweet enough to warrant a 3rd 'e'. And Skokie? Could you get over the embarassment of telling people you're from Skokie? A place that sounds like the Dukes of Hazard would make fun of for being trashy? Plus there's that damn song about being an Okie from Skokie.

Although I like your Ice Cream shop idea. The thought of scantily clad women serving freezing cold ice cream...ah yes. Just make sure it's always *ahem* cold in there. Plus you'd get some free advertisement as the first ice cream shop to be protested by the Christian Coalition. Despite that, I would LIVE at this place. My contribution is Friday Night Gelato Wrestling. It goes without saying, female only.

- Scott

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Rob, that's the funniest thing I've read from you in a while. No joke, I laughed out loud. Were we chatting at the time, I could have typed "lol" and it have been the first time in IM history that the phrase "lol" was used without it being a blatant lie. As for the idea...

Can you say...franchise?

Anonymous said...

With all of those openings thrown at ya you should get one of them.

RED ALERT RENE` RED ALRERT if you read this comment you are next in line to be the next Pope!


erl said...

That is HYSTERICAL! I LOVE that idea!

Anonymous said...

Out loud, Me, Laughing, at You. That's all, keep the brillance rolling.

Jake said...

mmmmm, innuendo.

Anonymous said...

Rob, While you are in Springfield, check out LRS Inc on West Monroe. They are a GIANT computer company; Travis Widman interned there, and Josh has a friend from IC who also works there.

As for the ice cream idea, we feminists would be protesting the lack of equal male innuendo.

Love from your Other Mom

Scott said...

Oh come on, of course there'd be male innuendo. Just think of what could be done with a banana split. I'll leave it at that.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

OK so why is it always that whenever someone wants to open a sexual food chain it has to be about women? Springfield already has a Hooters and a Sho-Mes...why not making something about men for a change where men have to dress in the tight little outfits and only the buff guys with the nice butts get to be waiters there, the rejects are the cooks?


Anonymous said...

It would never happen to have a male restaurant, however, if it were possible. It should be named:


But...all the hot guys with cute butts are gay, and if I want to see that, I'll just pay a $5.50 cover charge and go watch the Chippendales.

~Waiter, there's a pubic hair on my Root Beer float.

Anonymous said...

OK, I was totally digging the idea of peckers, until the whole pubic hair thing...that was just WRONG!

There are straight guys who would fit the bill...they're just married. My guy is buff as they come with a nice tight ass! He's just married!

Oh well! Rob...your ice cream shop would definitely raise controversy, but that's good for free publicity!
