Friday, August 26, 2005

Death of Spam and Loss of Hair

Alright, I'm probably not going to keep this... but just showing what things might have to come to in the future. You know Spam in Email used to just be a slight... "Where'd this come from?" sort of thing, but its not uncommon for people to have to change email addresses because its so bad. So if you'd like to see the temporary fix against spam in blogging, just post a comment. Let me know what you think. I'm not going to keep it for now I don't think, but it might come back if I start getting more junk comments. (Now if there was only a way to stop Jake from posting...)

I hope everyone had a good week. I know it was a big one for me, and I know that Rowela has been quite busy as well... 19 credit hours at college is a tad ridiculous. 12 hours makes you a "full-time student," 15 is average and for more than 18 you have to get permission from the school. But hey, that's just how my girlfriend rolls. And while we're on the topic of my overachieving signifigant other, it looks like she's going to donate her hair to Locks of Love. And most everyone knows about my personal hair preferences, there's no argueing against a good cause. So I'll miss her hair like hell 'till it grows back, but lets face it... that's just who Ro is. The very things that I like most about her often totally go against my own selfish wishes (i.e. cutting off her beautiful hair, leaving me for the entire summer, etc). I'm proud of her reguardless. Also check out the pictures of donors and recipients if you get the time.


Anonymous said...

oh wow i have not been a first poster before.its like being,well you all understand so anyway i am proud of ro if she does this. my little sister did it and gave some17 inches and still had enough hair to get to her shoulds .go my sister she made all the papers for that the way i like spam ( the kind you eat )out of the can after it has been cooked but not on my computer .

Anonymous said...

whats with this new word thing at the bottom

Anonymous said...

Rob and Ro~

It's a great thing to do! I hadn't cut my hair from 6th grade until just after I graduated high school, so my hair was pretty long. After I graduated I felt like a change and I cut my hair to my chin! I donated my hair to locks of love. It's a great cause, and your hair will grow back! I haven't had a hair cut since, which has been just about 5 years now and my hair is back to being long. Those of us who can grow hair will get it replaced, but our gift makes an everlasting impact on some one else. This is a good cause. I applaud you Ro, and Rob, I'm glad you can support her. Her hair will grow back!
