Monday, August 15, 2005

Letting Go

Sometimes its hard to lose someone who is "close to you." Other times people just need a good shaking and someone to tell them to get over it. Eddie Vedder, the lead singer of Pearl Jam, yeah... he's definately dead, and so is Elvis. In that list I'm also going to add 2Pac, and i don't care if you think you saw him at McDonalds or not. Did you know there are websites about 2Pac? He's offically a Conspiricy theory now? When did this happen...

Did you hear that Uday and Qusay really aren't dead? Yeah right, next thing your gonna tell me is that there aren't any WMD's either... crap... wait a minute. I'm not one to suscribe to conspiricy theories, expecially ones that involve aliens and the like, but I'm pretty sure that Uday is no more. I'll buy that we've made some poorly informed and some outright bad decisions, but that's about the extent of it.

The Cheat is not dead... for sure.

So why this post? First off, DO NOT read the last paragraph if you haven't read the newest Harry Potter Book. If you don't care about knowing the ending, by all means keep reading. Otherwise just stop right now and don't even read the comments. Play with this instead: Push it. If you want to comment, by all means do whatever you want. I'm just allowing the comment section to be open for Harry Potter Spoilers, so I had to make a warning. You know the last thing I want to do is discourage commenting, especially since the poor showing last post.
I was listening to two nerds argue about Harry Potter today and a lot of it stemmed from this website. Check it out, I don't buy the main premise but I could believe some of the stuff about Snape.


Rob said...

Hey! Miss "I only post/comment once every 87 years". No Lip from you!!!!

I don't care how cute you are!

Scott said...

Yes, I suppose someone posting WOULD confuse you. What was your last post?

"Hi, I am starting a blog. Let me know what you think. He he he."

What are you, a Xanga user? Anyway, I am SURE Dumbledor is dead. Certain. For shizzle. I mean it. Now, Sirus Black, I think he might be back. Partially because of the way he died, partially because it rhymes.

Oh, and MuggleCast? It's teh awesome.

- Scott

Rob said...

Its should be noted that I deleted ANOTHER piece of blogspam.

Anonymous said...

Dumbledore is dead. I cried as well. His picture appeared in the headmistress's office, he's dead. There was a body and a funeral. He's as dead as Elvis, but since the paintings can talk, I doubt we have seen the last of him. I'm sure he'll give Harry guidance.

Sirus I agree is not. There was no body, there was no actual closure. He fell into a magical whole, magic can get him out! I'm holding out for him to come back!

As to Snape's guilt...yah I'm wondering that myself. I know he's a creep and all, but could he REALLY have killed Dumbledore just for kicks? I'm not sure. I'm waiting to see that way play itself out. Either way, Harry needs to kill him!

As to the low turnout of comments on your previous posts...they weren't really comment creating! Sorry Rob. Neither of your past two topics have made me want to comment either way!
