Friday, September 09, 2005

Hairy Harry

So I had a new idea when looking at myself in the mirror. I have too much hair and need a hair cut, but why throw all that hair away? That's when I came up with the next great thing: Hairy Harry the Human Hair* Huggie!!! I could work in conjunction with build-a-bear or something. This Valentines Day give your special someone something truely personal. Give them Hairy Harry, the first Teddy Bear with a coat of your own human hair! I need to find a new attachment method, my prototype looked kinda crappy when I simply superglued my cuttings to an old Teddy Ruxbin (Also my hands look like paws now too). I'll keep you updated, and Ro you best be excited!

*Body hair is acceptable.


kimberlyb1974 said...


And how dare you defile Teddy Ruxpin!

~Body Hairless

Anonymous said...

YUCK! No thanks, Rob I don't forsee this being the next big crave!

Leave Teddy Ruxbin ALONE! That was my FAVORITE toy growing up! How DARE you do that to him! He didn't deserve that! What has Teddy EVER done to you! Use some stupid cheapy teddy bear, not a classic!


Scott said...

Whoa, where am I?! I thought I clicked the wrong link. Dude, you've completely changed the layout. And what's with the artsy fartsy new picture. Do you know how long it took me to figure out where you were! And I really only got it because there's a sign on our bathroom door that says "Restroom". You sir, have blown my mind.

- Scott

P.S. gsnads. What the hell are gsnads?

Rob said...

I'm assuming you mean "I want my child now!" meaning you partners in reading child... and not the one that might spring forth from your womb. If it's the latter, we need to talk.

Anonymous said...


Just for future time you buy me a present I DO NOT want it to have anything to do with human hair clippings...especially yours! EW
