Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Labor Day and Vets

Listen here lil’ miss Rowela. I’ll post when I damn well have time. I’m a very busy person and its not my job to jump when you give the word. I don’t care how cute you may be. Now for my post:

I had an awesome weekend, how about everyone else? I spent time with family on Friday and Saturday. I spent Friday through Monday with Ro. I didn’t work but a short 6 hours on Sunday. I even saw Phil for a few minutes. Good times.

Yesterday was labor day, and I weaseled my way out of working; mainly I just didn’t tell Best Buy that my day job as well as my night class was cancelled. So I didn’t work anywhere! What’s the deal with Labor Day anyways? Why do government jobs and such give everyone the day off on Labor Day, isn’t that the opposite of what it sounds like? Should be Lazy Day, or Anti-Labor Day. More importantly, Yesterday was Ro and I’s one-year anniversary. So yay for us.

The new Goblet of Fire trailer is out, if you're down with the HP you'll love this. If you want a Harry Potter Movie 4 Countdown on your desktop check this out.

So I was talking to this old Navy Vet at Best Buy and he was just talking… you know, how old guys do. Anyways, here’s what he told me:

“You know how things are, when you get old your mind doesn’t work, your body doesn’t work… my advice to you is to not get old.


I said that once to a real wise-ass. Do you know what that kid said back to
me? He told me: ‘I don’t really like the alternative.’”


Rob said...

oh yeah, then the guy tried to sell me his car. No lie.

Scott said...

Was it me that you said it too? Because I've said something to that effect in the past. It's pretty much the default answer to complaints of getting old.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

WOW...what an awesome trailer! I'm so excited!

I FINALLY finished book 6!

Yah, old people can be funny, but you have to respect them because they've been through so much in life that they have so much to teach (if they can stay focused long enough to teach you!).

Glad you got to get a day off and spend a weekend with Ro...by the way, I have your binder Rob! I want it off my desk!!!!!

It's called Labor Day because it's a celebration of the Labor Union movement (I learned this from a commercial this weekend!).


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to Rob and Ro......... And as far as being old.... well my mind isn't old at all, my spirit is 16 years old but the body isn't cooperating......... Great spending time with my kids I have a great picture of us but Rob didn't IM me back so he could post it... :-( Love Mom F

kimberlyb1974 said...

That's awesome that the guy totally didn't recognize you while making that comment. My guess is that when you originally said it, you were in your mustard colored hair phase. Sweet.

Congrats to you and Ro...

By the way, what kind of car was it?

~Anti-Labor Pain

Anonymous said...

Rob didn't make that part very clear! The old guy told you about a wise ass who had replied to him?

I agree with Kimmy...what kind of car was it? Was it a good deal or was he trying to scam you?


Anonymous said...

Yay for the amazing trailer!! Harry Potter totally rocks :)

Anonymous said...

Ro, your last entry was Tuesday, July 26, 2005, I would like to see your blog updated... Mom F

Anonymous said...

hey rob
iam inthe mdddle of class typing to you .it is ok because i record class but antway happy aniverary and congrats.this class is boring.nothing like biology, zoology and chemistry all in one class taught by a organic chemist.