Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Politics Smolitics...

Well, I thought I’d give you an update on classes. Today I’ll give you a glimpse of my Monday night class and Thursday a look into my Political Philosophy Class. But anyways…

Monday Night I have “Politics in Illinois” and we talk about all sorts of stuff. Did you know that Illinois, Indiana and Ohio were all originally going to be Horizontal states as opposed to the vertical set up we have now (we’d look more like Kentucky and Tennessee). But instead we made it so the different people from different groups had to work together and balance themselves out.

Illinois, historically, has been considered to have the attitudes of the nation as a whole. If Illinois approved or disapproved of a particular action or law, the nation would most likely approve/disapprove. Before the Bush administration, Illinois has only not picked the president once (Illinois did go for Gore, as did the popular vote of the nation… so some argue we haven’t really lost our touch.) There actually used to be a saying in the White House: “Will it Pass in Peoria?” Meaning, will Peoria (or Illinois in general) approve.

Lastly we talked about the last election and how some say it was all about the 3 G’s: God, Gays, Guns. There was a “Groupthink” mentality that you are either with us or against us. And how much of a role that media and campaigning played.

Oh yeah, and one girl was trying to, as PC as possible, say that people up in Chicagoland were more diverse and politically conscious than those downstate. At what point another girl behind me interjected: “Southern Illinois is actually very diverse.” I turned around and looked at her and asked, “Have you ever BEEN to southern Illinois?” She later tried telling me that there was a lot of diversity in East St. Louis… and I dropped it because I didn’t care. I parked my car in East St Louis everyday when I worked downtown… And I could just tell that she knew of it only as numbers in some sort of population/racial survey. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

Rob, there is diversity in southern Illinois...hicks/rednecks and yuppies, don't you know that!

Yah, Illinois is very big political ground. We have a lot of electoral college votes, most of which scares me to death because it's odd to think how much power a bunch of people who don't speak English (either another language all together, or some form of southern variation including words such as y'all and other off the wall words).

I get to deal with those politics all day here at my work, since we do lobbying for substance abuse prevention/treatment/and recovery. It's interesting to see what all goes on in the world of politics! Have fun with this one!


Rob said...

Yeah, and I agree of course... but here's what I didn't realize. Two-thirds of the population of Illinois is concentrated in Cook County (Chicago) and the surrounding six "collar" counties. That's crazy.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

When she says there's a lot of diversity in East St. Louis, I believe she's confusing "diversity" with "bullets."

kimberlyb1974 said...

Come, come now...the prostitutes in East St. Louis are very diverse.

Or am I confusing diverse with skanky?

Jake said...

I knew all this information already! sheesh!

Except about that girl, and whatever. You should have kicked in her teeth, then her crotch, then said "I bet your feeling some diverse pain!" That would be awesome.

Scott said...
