Monday, November 28, 2005

Advice when writing a paper

So if you're staying up all night working on a paper that due at 6pm today, and it's about something like say.... election reform, it's important to try and not go against your teacher's view's too much when you're just looking for an easy grade during a busy point in your life. I was writing from the position of most of articles and such I found online, that Illinois could use some reform (look at the Daley Legacy in Chicago). But while doing some homework I found this quote in a scholarly article:
"Ron Michaelson, executive director of the state Board of Elections (the state’s top election official) said “I don’t think we need fear any election contest in this state with that kind of a margin.”
The issue? Ron Michaelson is my teacher. That's the thing with being a political studies major here in Springfield... your speakers, and teachers, are straight from the trenches themselves. Ahhh... Good times. Three more pages to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Writing Papers sounds like the good old days of High School to me.
