Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sign Where?

So I get tired of typing, "I'm busy as hell right now" so until further notice, I would just like you to pretend I started off every post with it, and be patient when the posting comes sporadically. Major news update! I signed on a new apartment! For speed and efficiency I'm going the bulleted route:

  • I didn't really have my mind made up to sign that morning, it just kind of happened. I had her look over my application to make sure everything was in order, she told me I didn't sign here and then gave me another form to sign for a background check, and then another to sign for financial verification, and another and another and... I had an apartment.
  • The apartment is awesome, and I was pretty sure it would be the one I was going with. Its just one of those deals where I was hesitant to make "the big decision."
  • I can see Scotts apartment from my window.
  • Mom's friends are all offering me all their old furniture, so I have lots to pick from.
  • The apartment complex managers STILL don't know that I've been staying with Scott all this time, and now I'm moving into one of their other buildings.

Quotes of the day:
  • Mom on Scott and I knowing each other well talking to the managers (who don't know we live together): "Well yeah, since Rob and Scott have been li... errr... hanging out a lot lately, they've gotten to know each other pretty well."
  • Mom on Running Criminal Background checks at work: "Yeah I do the sex offenders all the time in Jerseyville."
  • This wasn't actually said, but as we were walking to the room, the manager shushed Scott, saying he was being too loud in the hall. Scott and I both know that the person who lived across from that room was deaf... it was painful for us not to make a crack.
  • Scott finally mentioned (not quite in passing) about how the females above us are loud and then went straight into how their friend pee'd in our hallway. The manager said: "That's an eviction." And will now be looking for an excuse to boot them.


Scott said...

Too loud? What planet is this woman from? It DOESN'T MATTER. He's DEAF! I could have been lighting off firecrackers outside his door (which, as I think of it, will be a hilarious thing do to once you're moved in) and he wouldn't mind. As my grandma once said in retort to someone telling me I was going to wake up a neighbor "He's so deaf he can't hear himself fart". That's especially funny if you know what a sweet old lady my grandma was.

Anyway, I'll point out a few things you missed.

1.) We have line of sight between my windows and his. Because of this I want to implement an intercom system... consisting of two tin cans and a string. It'll be AWESOME!

2.) Also because of the reasoning in number one, I'm building a Cantenna to extend my internet into his apartment so we both save on internet fees. Plus we can trade files faster.

3.) The tiny oven. We need pictures. This is the oven that they would have taken on the Apollo space capsules. It's awesome.

I'm sure we'll have more shenanigans as this situation unfolds.

- Scott

P.S. For future reference when Rob asks to crash on your couch for a week he means 6 months. But, it's a good time, so I say let him.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob! I was in your neighborhood Springfield over this past weekend. Plenty of sight seeing I thought I might run into you and Ro along the way. Some of the people there are to much like the people in St. Louis anti friendly. Your probalby wondering why did I decide to go to Springfield? I just happened to win the weekend getaway when I was a Pat's pool party this summer. I didn't know that Abraham Lincoln was the first bearded president.


Anonymous said...

Rob, Tell your Mom I am really unhappy she didn't call me when she was in town. She promised.
Also do you need an entertainment center? Got one in the garage. Peggy Ryder, your other Mother

Scott said...

Giving away entertainment centers eh? Well, rather than giving it to Rob (who doesn't currently, nor plans to own a television) I'd be glad to take it off your hands. Unless you have someone else in line for it. But if not, mine is about to fall apart. Apparently my TV is heavier than the faux wood will allow.

- Scott

P.S. Thanks in advance. Either way.

P.P.S. Sorry as well. I don't know for what, but there's probably something I owe you one for.

P.P.P.s In this same vein, I don't think I ever thanked you for dinner the night you paid for me at T.G.I. Friday's the night before Tim left. So, thanks for that too.

P.P.P.P.S. Ok, it's ridiculous now, but I should say that these thank you's/apologies are in no way related to anything you have that I want. In. No. Way.