Monday, February 20, 2006


Soooo.... what do we do when we're bored? We dress Scott up as a Best Buy employee and go bowling. This photo is actually hanging in our manager's station, its awesome because Scott actually used to work for Best Buy back in the day... up until he just quit. We're going to see if we can get one of these photos put in the national Best Buy Newsletter, because that would be hilarious.

Oh yeah, I guess I could introduce: I'm on the far left (having just said something or getting ready too, I don't know). Katie is next to me, she's teaching Ro and I how to play pool at the local pool hall. Then is Scott behind us (very suave that kid is) and Alexa on the right (Alexa is technically my senior at work, but I don't take orders from no girl). TaDa!!


Anonymous said...

wow rob you look really hot in that pic! CALL ME!!


Timmy Tapeworm said...

Man, since when does Best Buy give its employees black polos? Classy.

Scott said...

Wow Ro. Just... Wow.

I like how sexy I look in the full sized version of the picture. In the thumbnail I was afraid it would be another entry in the long list of pictures of me on Rob's blog that were inexplicably goofy. Not so, this is just your average Scott is TOO sexy shot. So that's nice. I also like that I'm infiltrating Best Buy without their knowledge.

So sly...

- Scott