Thursday, February 09, 2006

Fine, no one liked that story...

Here's a better one for you:

A guy came into the Buy to get a new computer. Apparently he's the sound tech for a band and had some slightly complicated stuff he needed to work out. I, of course, was able to help him figure out how to control his mixing boards and such which are hooked up to a main work station (with dual monitors) wireless from the audience during a show from his touch screen tablet PC. "But Rob, I don't even know what you just said... how could you have possibly helped him out?" Because I'm just that awesome.

Anyways, this band that he works for is actually a pretty big band, Sevendust. You probably haven't heard of it, but just take my word for it (fine, don't believe me... here's a wikipedia entry that agrees.) So I talked to and helped out this guy for about an hour, got him all set up and it was pretty entertaining. He had taken a cab over, he hadn't really slept in like 2 days and hadn't eaten all that day... so he was a little out of it, but in a suprisingly good mood.

Andy (that was his name by the way) thanked me and proceded to ask for my name and some form of contact info. Tonight when I got home from work, I had an email saying that "Rob French +1" was on the Band's Guest List for that the sold out show that starts in 18 hours. How's that for awesome.

I rock. You're jealous. Deal with it.


Anonymous said...

Too bad it wasn't for some really great well known band like Aerosmith or Green Day or Blink 182...then I might be impressed.


Timmy Tapeworm said...

You should probably go. Sevendust is an amazing band. I'm sure you'd really enjoy it. Cathy is a hilarious comic strip. Doom was a great movie. I'm being so honest right now.

Anonymous said...

Yah, neither of these whips me into a verbal frenzy....congrats on the tickets.

Ro, sorry you're just a +1!


Rob said...

Mom, Thanks. I knew you'd always be there for me. You and Annie the Impaler.

Breyn, hey remember when I had my "I made out with Clay Akin's Mom" T-shirt and embarrassed you during the state fair... That was awesome.

Tim, is our music snobbery hitting a high? Did your journal circle tell you not to like it? Don't Cry...

Tabitha, it's ok. I really don't care much about the content of the comments. I like seeing that __ comments number go up. Its the only way I know anyone's out there.

kimberlyb1974 said...

You should change your name to Rob French +1. Because you're cool enough to carry it off.

I believe you when you say that Sevendust is a pretty big band, and not only because I've heard them on 101.1 a couple of times. Mainly I believe you because a number of years ago (and I won't tell you how many years because let's face it, I'm old,) I turned down front row tickets to a show because they were bands I'd never heard of.

I hear Matchbox20 and Third Eye Blind did pretty good for themselves since then.

Jeez, I was such an idiot.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Trust me, Rob. Not even Sevendust fans like Sevendust.