Tuesday, February 07, 2006

In the market for some credit

Not credibility... or "street cred" for you more verbaciously affluent types. I'm in the market for a new credit card/bank. Why?? I'll tell you. I found out that as a full time employee at Teh Buy I am entitled to some random benfits... like special deals with certain banks and such. Free Overdraft Protection, Free Checking/Savings, Low Interest, etc. Otherwise I'm also open for suggestions. I'm currently with Regions (Union Planters) and I think I have special benfits at Chase and National Bank.

I'm open for:
a) suggestions for new bank/credit cards
b) good credit card/bank stories
c) New Boxer suggestions... long story*

Check out Ask a Ninja, its a goofy (yet deadly) ninja who answers all your burning ninja questions in a short video podcast.

* Some of my favorite have holes in them. I need new favorites. Ok, so it's not that long of a story.


Anonymous said...

National City is forever having problems with their accounts.

Anonymous said...

I've been wearing a couple pairs of boxers that i've had since 7th grade. See there's a positive to being 6'2 as an 8th grader.

I like Chase. There's just not any branches in Normal. 3 in Bloominton. A shit-load in Elgin ( one of the corp. headcorders) Check out that one. I have overdraft protection and such. Look into It.

Anonymous said...

Well I just recently got a new credit card...its a Disney card so all my purchases on it create Disney dollars. YAY

It probably won't come that much in handy since Adam and I don't do anything but cash or debit...no credit card debt for us...at least it's cute..it has Bambi on it. :)

I have/had a Citibank card and I liked it but there weren't any perks to it...like Discover you get cash back and now American Express has that new One card where they take 1% of your purchase amounts and put it into a savings account or something like that.


p.s. gross...you are wearing underwear with holes in them...might as well just go commando