Thursday, February 16, 2006

Tests and Tickets

So I've got my first test of the semester tonight. It's a stats test, so I'm not really worried (silly math), but still its two hours before... I guess I should start studying. First things first though... gotta order my plane tickets for Spring Break. Its official: Phil, Ro and I are going to San Diego, CA for Springbreak! Yay! We should meet Jamie and Scott there and we're all staying at my Aunt's House.

Ok, so I took a break from blogging and actually ordered the tickets. I used, which had an interesting offer. We got Round Trip tickets for $279 a person (including taxes and fees) which was a good $25 lower than most of the offers I was finding through Expedia, and Orbitz and others, but here was the catch. You don't get to see the flight times, airlines or anything. Whatever, it was cheap so we did it.

Turns out its not so bad, sure we're going to San Diego via Atlanta Georgia, but hey... No big deal. I've heard Georgia is nice in mid March. In the end it's about 7 hours from a St Louis takeoff untill a San Diego touchdown. Hooray for Spring Break.

Now I guess I need to study for that damn test. Seeing that I've only got an hour before I need to leave, stupid test. Later.


Timmy Tapeworm said...

That's the most bizarre form of commerce I've ever heard. It seems a bit like Russian Roulette for air travel. Or, more accurately, like "Let's Make a Deal."

Remember, when arriving in Atlanta, the flight attendant will not say "Welcome to Hotlanta, ladies and gentlemen," no matter how many times you ask. Neither will Ludacris greet you at the gate. Do not be disappointed.

Anonymous said...

i would have paid the extra 25 to get there sooner...oh well I have been in the Alanta airport...not bad...lots of people and you get to take a fun train to diff locations


C_thegreat said...

Georgia sucks any time of the year.
I think.
At least that's what I've heard.
But maybe that had something to do with the fact that all the people I've heard that from were there for boot camp.

I was there in August once, and it was nasty hot. But rest assured that if you go to a Ruby Tuesday's there you won't even get a chance to drink more than two sips out of your cup before they refill it. It's a riot.
