Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Gaming Nerds

So last night was Boys Night Out with Josh, Tim, Scott and I. After a while of indecisiveness we hit up the arcade in the mall. It’s not a great arcade, but hey, we're not the type to complain. I mean it did have its own Asian kid on the Dance Dance Revolution game so, that counts for something. In the picture you can see Josh and Tim playing one of those "You're a Special Forces agent and gotta shoot the bad guys" game. And Scott is behind them on the virtual Skateboarding game. That gun game was probably my favorite… I like shooting people.

Other things of note: Tim played the Virtual Tennis game for at least 45 minutes on a single token. So at least he got his money’s worth out of it. Also, Tim issued a open challenge to everyone there at the Dance Dance game (after the Asian Kid left of course). He then proceeded to squeak out a victory on me… Sorry Ro, I let you down.

The New Final Fantasy Movie is out. For those of you who aren’t familiar, Final Fantasy is one of the longest running Role Playing Games today (I believe there’s like 15 of them or something) and they have recently made a sequel to one of the video games in movie form. It’s pretty awesome and you should check out the video here if you want to see some amazing clips from this Computer Generated movie.


Timmy Tapeworm said...

I love how serious Josh and I are taking our game. Go on, look at us. Now look at Scott. He looks really stupid. He looks like some slack-jawed yokel that's just amazed to see moving pictures on the screen. When he figures out that his movements affect those pictures, his head will explode.

Also, Scott sucks at the sword game. And the Shoot the Can game. Actually, pretty much everything, while I, on the other hand, will beat anyone at Virtua Tennis AND DDR. I beat Raph's entire family once. And they're ALL Asian.

Jake said...


Scott said...

Ahem, Tim. I think you forget about my complete superiority over the Soul Calibur II game. What was the tally? FIVE perfects? That's right. I went there. Also, I hate that picture of myself. I know full well that I was just in the midst of saying something witty and the camera snapped at just the wrong moment. Anyone looks dumb with their mouth open. Just look at Christina Aguleariahea. Point, Scott.

- Scott

tara d. said...

it's the year of the nerd, boys. maybe the decade. embrace it. love it. i'm super turned on right now.

Anonymous said...

how cute, I miss you guys