Friday, September 02, 2005

Kids and Guns

So Scott and I have been playing the F.E.A.R. demo on the computer recently. Let me tell you what, creepiest game ever. This game is actually scary. Take all those Asian-esque horror movies (The Ring, The Grudge) and put it in a first person shooter and you got a decent idea. You’re not shooting ghosts or anything, you’re hunting real people, but freaky stuff happens all around you. That on top of the fact that you can do bullet-time (slow things down Matrix Style) and amazing graphics… and don’t even get me started on the violent weapons. You have a rail gun that can peg/nail people to the wall, and another gun that just makes their skin explode off their body… woah. And the whole time there's a creepy dead/ghost child following you and giggling and walking in rivers of blood.

Isn’t it odd that I LOVE games like that, yet I get nauseous at the site of even my own blood. I can’t look at bloody spots on the interstate. I get queasy just driving by roadkill of any sort. I never look at the puncture site while I’m giving blood, and try everything just to avoid thinking about it. I try not to step on ants on the sidewalk. But in the game God of War the fact that you could rip a man in two or tear the wings off a flying monster and then break its neck was probably the coolest thing that Ro or I had ever seen in a game. Movie and Videogame violence is great, real life violence… not so much.



Scott said...

I've gotten so good at playing the demo (I've played every difficulty twice or so, and making rules like "Only the pistol this time!) that I can now use the weapons however I want. For instance give me a pose. Chances are, I can peg the guy to the wall in the exact pose you asked for.

It's the most violent, terrifying game I've ever played... and I want more!

- Scott

Timmy Tapeworm said...

To say nothing of the menage a trois minigame in God of War. And I don't think Rob even knows what sex IS yet.

Rob said...

Tim is a slut.

Anonymous said...

i think you are a wus . the fact that you get sick at the site of blood makes me laugh. i got to use human tissue in my lab yesterday. it was the coolest. and i agree tim is a slut i know he used to hit on me in school as if.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Rob is 7 years old.

Phil makes me uncomfortable electronically.

Rob said...

Tim is 7 feet tall.

People stare.

Scott said...

I'm sorry were we all supposed to comment twice? I must have missed that line in the post.

- Scott

P.S. My word is kattzfro

Anonymous said...

second post