Monday, January 16, 2006

Attention Foreigners

No I'm not talking about fanatics of the hit 80's supergroup... albeit "Waiting for a Girl Like You" is an excellent song, and is my favorite song to run people down to in Grand Theft Auto. I'm referring to people not from around here. Doesn't have to be from far, just not one of the regulars on the site. Ro and I were discussing the dots that show were all my visitors come from, and we're amazed that I allegedly get so many hits, yet no one comments. We want to hear from you. I have little to offer you as an incentive to post, other than say.... a review of your blog and maybe help you get some more traffic. All you got to do is drop in, say hello, and where you're from. We like meeting new people, especially those from outside Illinois, or even better, The United States. We welcome you with open arms. Come on, post something. ANYTHING! PLEASE!!!

Rob's Spending Update: Friday night I spent $1 at the pool hall playing 3 rounds of pool. I also paid for a tank of gas because I came up to help Ro move into her dorm. The gas was like $25... But other than that, I'm doing pretty well.


Rob said...

LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!! You made Ro Sad!! You shall never be forgiven for that!

Anonymous said...

hey there rob. i am so glad that you said goodbye to me. i see where i rate in your world. I hope everything is going well at the buy. I heart you and we need to go rollar skating!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a foreigner. I was born in the town named after the Native American tribe called Oconomowoc. That's right the far off land of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.