Friday, January 20, 2006

I'm getting my exercise at least.

I find myself jumping up from my chair at the most inconvenient times and rushing to my door to look out my peephole these last few days. Whether I'm watching TV, surfing the internet, using the bathroom, reading my homework... I'll hear noises outside and zip right over and indulge my voyeuristic side. You see - my roommate Jay, the blind neighbor*, just recently moved out and that means I'm getting new people across from me. I've found that I'm incredibly interested in what kind of person this will be and it takes precedent over most everything else that I'm doing. For example:

What if it's some scary guy with a bushy beard and snaggleteeth who wears a trenchcoat and sunglasses indoors all the time. That could be creepy. He could be a child molester or something.

What if its some washed up old celebrity who could turn my apartment life suddenly very sitcomish. Someone like Doogie Howser, or that Encyclopedia Britannica Kid, or Rob Schneider.

What if it's two incredibly hot girls that are thinking about moving in next to me. Well, maybe that one's not too likely seeing as that its a one bedroom. Well I guess they could share a... hmmm...

Anyways! A guy's gotta know these things!


Anonymous said...

I think the creepy, snaggletooth guy would keep you on your toes though. You would be less likely to let your guard down. The two girls scenario could also be a ploy for the creepy, snaggletoothed perv. Just when you thought life was grand.........surprise! Just a thought.

G & C @ B _ _ _

Anonymous said...

No, about a "Kramer" type guy? Wait a minute, except for the snaggleteeth, I think you've already described him.

G & C @ B _ _ _

Anonymous said...

Yah, probably some youngish college student kind of guy or girl who you won't notice at all. Maybe it'll be some drug dealing psycho crazy guy who was people coming in and out of the apartment at all times of the day and night, and you'll have to get several more locks on your door because they keep stealing all your stuff while you're gone....could be scary!


Anonymous said...

The guy in the trenchcoat could also be a vampire that might move next door. About Smallville it looks like my favorite Sheriff on that show finally bit the bullet. Who is this person that is going to be killed off in next weeks episode? I hope its not your girl Lana Rob.


Anonymous said...

You could get some trashy drug addict move in with her 7 kids who is frequently visited in the middle of the night from her "babies daddies" or a soon to be one. Won't that be fun.

Hey it happened to us when we lived across the street from where u are now... pine woods apartments. Needless to say we moved.


Anonymous said...

Yah, I am SO anxious about who is going to die in Smallville! It won't be Lex, he is ESSENTIAL to the whole plot line, being the bad guy and all. Killing Lana would be a BAD thing, because that would upset a large portion of the loyal fans. They can't kill Louis, because she is Clark's eventual wife and could be Jonathan or Martha, but they don't die in the comics so who knows. The only non-essiantial character is Chloe. I'll admit it, she is my favorite character on the show, so I hope it isn't her! However, most people wish it's her! Can't wait for next week's episode!


Scott said...

Freemama, Rob and I have talked extensively on this topic and there's really only one person it could be. It's pretty obvious when you think about it: Jonathan Kent. He dies in the movies, he's on some ridiculous plot about being a senator, he would gladly sacrifice himself for his son, AND he's the only one that's already done everything he's supposed to do based on the original cannon.

In short, it can't be anyone else. Jonny boy is in trouble.

Also, Rob I hope you get another deaf neighbor. The odds against it would make it hilarious to me. Or maybe a noisy foreigner who likes to shout in his own tounge at all hours. That'd be fun, immigrant with tourettes. Sounds like a sketch.

- Scott

Timmy Tapeworm said...

I hope it's Don Knotts.

And I bet Clark Kent is the one who dies. You fanboys never saw it coming.

Josh said...

And you know who kills Clark Kent? In a rare series cross-over, Veronica Mars, in cold blood. I'm sure of it.
And I'd be more sure of it if I knew what you were talking about.

Anonymous said...

I bet Aunt Mae Dies in this episode. I mean she could only survive so long w/o Uncle Ben.

As far as the neighbor goes, i bet you'll get a doorslammer, regardless of what he/she/it looks like, they'll slam their door everytime they leave or come home. Two of my other three roommates do that and it sucks.

-Clive Owen

kimberlyb1974 said...

I had one of those chicks with the 7 babies, none of whom looked remotely similar, and the visits from the baby-daddies...and the fights and the tires screeching out of the lot all night (apparently when one of the baby daddies showed up when another one wasn't finished yet.)

It clearly stated in our lease that if the cops were called even ONCE that we would be kicked out. However, I alone called the cops on her no fewer than 3 times, and she was still there when I left three years later. I saw the landlord over there. A lot. Yeah...there's more than one way to pay your rent.

And I think the Silver Surfer kills everyone. Except Wally West. And the guy who turns into Aquaman.

Anonymous said...

Each of those options would make an interesting neighbor, but what if it was Ken Burger? I think that's a risk you just cannot afford to take, so my advice to you is this: run... run as far away as you can.

Squirz iz betta...