Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hey! I don't smell bad!!!

So Springfield just passed the Public Smoking Ban, and although it doesn't come into effect for a while we swear we noticed a difference at the Pool Hall tonight. This IS AWESOME FOR ME!!!! I don't have to smell like smoke now. I don't have to get headaches and cancers now. I can go out with friends to bars and pool halls and all that stuff without the bad stuff attached to it. I'm freakin' excited about this. That was one of the main reasons I didn't ever go out.

So yeah, way excited about this. Normal (Illinois State) is apparently considering/has already followed suite. Reguardless of the arguement that secondhand smoke may or maynot cause cancer (which I believe it sure isn't good for you) its nice not to have public places reek anymore.

Quick Link: How to Speak Gibberish. Ro is a huge fan of Gibberish, and speaks it quite fluently (and quickly). It's Higitard.

Finally, I want to thank everyone for my 20 Comments. That's great, and inspiring. I think i may have to do something extra special for you now. I'll think about it.


Anonymous said...

How about giving all of us 20 bucks since you reached 20 comments.


Rob said...

Yeah, I'll start payign you for comments when you start paying me for posts (this was post number 281 by the way).

And as far as threats that smokers will not go out because of it, I'm banking on mostly empty threats. Its the social atmosphere that most are going out for, not the ability to smoke. And besides, now they're just in my place anyways whereas before I wouldn't go out much because of smoke. They've been making me stink and get headaches for years, I'm afraid I'm not going to have much pity there.

Sorry... I don't believe that twenty dollars is in my budget. Maybe a twenty to the group as a whole for a part of a pizza party, but that'd be about it.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I can say I am MORE than excited for the public smoking ban talk. It is not the government telling people you can't smoke it is just saying be curtious people! Smokers have no idea how horrible they make going out to a bar for example, to a non smoker. I for one love to go out to the bars, but there is not a night that i am not annoyed and affected by the smoke. It honestly gives me the worst headache that not even 4 IBProfen and 3 hours later can cure, for just one reason. It just ruins my night. It doesn't take much to step outside and smoke rather than stand right next to me and do it. So for me i see it as being a considerate factor. Yes there are issues of serious health side effects down the road too, but even in the moment it just sucks.
Your awesomely cool sister,

Anonymous said...

Only 18% of the population smokes. They can deal with going outside! I am SUCH a fan of not smoking indoors, because light cigarrette smoke (i.e. Winston lights, Marlboro lights, ect.) cause me to break out in hives! NOT COOL! GO SPRINGFIELD!!!!
