Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Put Title Here

So last night Phil and I went on an adventure. Seeing as that I like to cook, that means I can sometimes need ingrediants other than Steak, Potatoes, Mac and Cheese, Salt and Pepper. This can tend to be a problem when you live in Jerseyville, IL. So Phil and I went into the big city and scouted out some WholeFood/EthnicFood stores. That stuff is a bit more pricey, but we'll see if it was worth it tonight. Got some Stalks of Lemon Grass, Assorted Spices, Some Belgium Cream Puffs, Various Rices (even some BLACK rice) and finally, some Sake. Funny thing is that I had to have Phil buy my alcohol for me. I had left my ID at ISU when I forgot to "checkout" from the dorms upon my leaving. That little 10 oz bottle of Sake (16% alcohol by volume) would have been only the second alcoholic purchase I had ever made (the first being a red wine for a chicken dish - I poured the remainder down the drain out of spite of anyone who may try drink it.) But I seriously digress... we're talking about the Food Stores.

Phil and I decided that these healthy/international food stores would be a great place to pick up chicks. With only one exception. For some reason we were constantly questioning the sexuality of the other customers. When two girls were shopping together, you can help but think that, maybe, they were gay (It should be noted that Phil and I were having this conversation while purusing the spice rack together.) It was a weird phenomon. I mean they gave no particular indication that they were gay, they were more likely two somewhat attractive college apartment-mates who are into healthy eating and the occasional experimentation... see? Harmless.

So not only are there some awesome, liberal, hot chicks to pick up at the foodstores. But chicks also dig guys who can cook. So that's your lesson for the day folks.


Scott said...

BLACK rice huh? So black it had to pe put into capital letters. What's the difference? Why can't we just put it aside? Sure the rice is a little darker, listens to rap music, and once you've had it you never go back to the smaller and less satisfying white rice...but do we really need all these labels?

Your riceism sickens me...

- Scott

Anonymous said...

I could care less about this post...Scott's comment MADE this one today. That post is friggin' classic!

Now I see why Rob is so in lust with him.

~Old Gangsta

Anonymous said...

I completely agree, Scott's comment MADE this post. I had this funny feeling when I was reading the post and my eyes went over the word "black" in all caps. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was that made it wierd, and Scott absolutely nailed it. That's it, you're a riceist, Rob. There's no denying it.
