Friday, May 20, 2005

Chocolate and my "Blue Power Outfit"

No, this post has nothing to do with this guy. Let me start from the beginning.

I had my first meeting today. We (my entire department) talked about business and we played a little team-builder/game. Lets face it, 3 years as an RA and 6 years camp experience, I know a hell of a lot about these "exercises." This one was simple enough, half the room left and we were told we were all up for a promotion, but there were a few things we could do to help secure this promotion. We all had a minute or two to read a piece of paper with these rules:
  1. Come in a half hour early for the next 2 weeks.
  2. Wear Blue on Fridays.
  3. Bring your boss Chocolate and Strawberries.
  4. Enter the building with a smile.
Also we were told that we don't want EVERYONE to know this, so only tell people who's birthdays are in May or August. Then everyone else was brought back into the room and we were paired up. We were told to give our partners the low down. Easy enough, I asked my partner (who happened to be my boss) when her birthday was. When she said February I took joy in not telling her ANYTHING. Anyways, I was apparently one of two people who had this game figured out. And I answered all the discussion questions whenever it would go silent for a while and no one was giving the instructor what she was looking for. Basically, I looked good and only spoke up, like twice. And my boss KNEW I knew the game, 'cause I predicted it while we were killing time (when I was supposed to be telling her what I knew).

Anyways, the reason for all this back story: I hung out with some of the gossip hounds today, and learned a lot. My job isn't... how do you say... "stable." Mainly they were expecting a huge rush of work here, and instead work has actually dropped off. So I have to accelerate my plans. I have to start laying it on thick. Tomorrow I'm gonna REALLY apply myself and try to start pushing my serious enrollment skills and asking for more work when we're done. Also Tomorrow's Friday. That means, Blue Shirt and Blue Power tie, just like in Item #2. And I figured I'd do everything on the list while I was at it. Gotta wake up extra early tomorrow. Gonna walk into the bosses office a half hour early, give an obviously lame story about how I misset my alarm and stumbled across these strawberries (2 or 3) and chocolate (probably M&M's). As Scott always says when we are trying to find a parking place: "Go Big or Go Home!"


Anonymous said...

They should hire you on for good. You are doing things that other employees wouldn't care about doing. I no your motive.


Scott said...

Sorry to hear that you have the Anna Nicole of temp jobs, but hopefully your strategic ass kissing pays off. And by strategic I mean this guy set up one of the closets in our apartment as the "War Room" where he has maps and diagrams of his office, and action figures representing the people in it. Next to each one is a list of likes, dislikes and weaknesses.

But I don't think you should worry much. If Phase II doesn't seem to be effective enough you can always instigate plan B9: sleep your way to the top. Female boss? Makes it that much easier. Now get out there and earn some s-extra credit.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

I like the list! So did anyone notice the blue power tie, chocolates, ect? Go Rob but one thing; don't do the boss, because when the quest has been contoured then she will get rid of you as you will remind her how weak she was to allow an office romance. Mom F