Sunday, May 22, 2005

I fought the law...

  • Harrison Ford in the Fugitive
  • Kevin Spacey in The Usual Suspects
  • The Blues Brothers
Do you know what all these characters have in common? The ability to fly low under police radar and be elude capture despite the best efforts of our men in blue. Do you know what else? They all look like Ostriches sticking their heads in the sand when compared to Scott and I. Ok, maybe not the Blues Brothers, they're cooler than cool, but the other two for sure. Another thing: we're much better looking. I've had two run ins with the law in 2 days. It should also be mentioned that thus far, HALF of my recreational outings with Scott has resulted in either being kicked off private property by either local staff or the police.

Thursday night Scott and I went Kite Sailing, which I believe is normally done on skis (or in a boat) in the water, but Scott stands by his claim that it's just as good on a exceptionally windy day just in tennis shoes in a field. Anyways, apparently the Batter Women's Clinic is pretty adament about not letting us use the hugenormous fields behind their building for firing a potatoe gun or kite sailing. This time they even involved the Po-po (where the hell did that slang ever come from anyways?). We deftly talked our way out of it and left without any trouble.

Friday night I went up to visit Ro before she left for camp. On my way to Chicago I stopped and got some gas, a french vanilla capachino and a pack of gum. The total was $24.96. I reached back for my wallet and.... nothing. I had left my wallet on the table 2 hours away. Luckily there was a cop outside so I figured I'd just cut out the middle man and told the cashier I'd be right back. I explained to the officer my situation and expressed how it would be in his best interest if he let me off the hook. He could barely hide the fear in his eyes. And in the end, I just paid for everything on the way back from Chicago (read as: Ro paid for everything).


Anonymous said...

All in all you always have good experiences with the law. I am glad about that. What is up with the Batter Women's Clinic anyway? Are they men haters? Well in our neck of the woods they are. They have a brunch once a year and it really sounds like a men bashing luncheon. You two look innocent enough to me, unless you dress in your wife beater T shirts and go over there, then I could see the reason for the fear...
Way to go on the strawberries and Hershey bars for work on Friday. I am sure you stood our of the crowd of temps, at least Friday. Good day to you. Mom F

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Dang, have I been falling behind in the standings. Well, that changes now.

The last run-in I had with the law was when Josh and I were playing a post-graduation round of tennis golf. We actually got stopped by Drake Security. He asked, and I quote, "Are you using real golf balls?" Yeah, because Titleist just came out with a new line of large, soft, green golf balls.

Then he told us not to aim at any buildings. I assured him that we didn't, which was a blatant lie. Then he asked if any of us were students. I said yes, which, as of 3 hours prior, was technically no longer true. But whatever. Stick it to the man, Robbo. I think I should get at least three points for this comment. It was a darn good comment.

kimberlyb1974 said...

Yeah, speaking of falling behind in the I had a week off from this place, and yes, I came back still full of rage and hatred for the suits here. I don't know what my problem is. I can tell you one thing I have officially been employed here at AWR for THREE, (that's right mom), three years. That's longer than I've ever committed to anything. I guess having that friggn' baby must have changed my priorities, 'cuz in the good ole days I would have jumped on the back of a strangers motorcycle and blazed a trail of glory out of a dump like this. Too bad the older I get, the more I feel like I need to keep things like "insurance."

Rob, they're trying to hold us down here. Now they have a fit if we check our emails on office time. What is this world coming to? My fifteen minutes are almost up so...
