Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Scam

Ro made me promise this would be short. So here it is:

I've been intentionally setting up this elaborate display to secure my job. It is afterall a temp position, and I know first hand how those can go; here today, gone tomorrow. So here are some of the ridiculous actions I've taken thus far.
  1. I make sure to stop by and say hello to the boss at least once a day.
  2. I'm always the best dressed person there. I wear a tie everyday, except on Casual Fridays. On Friday I wear Black Cargo-pocket Dress Pants and an untucked button up the front short sleeved short. This makes me seem more professional than the average temp.
  3. One of the gossip hounds next to me has an empty candy dish. I brought in 2 bags of chocolate on her day off and filled her dish. If I win her, she'll say good things about me... to EVERYONE.
  4. Online courses are available for all employees. I took all of the ones I was required to take, on government regulations and such, and now I'm taking every other related course I can (there are hundreds and take 30 minutes to 2 hours a piece). The boss is aware of my subtle over achieving, and none of my other coworkers are (I don't want to appear too much like a suck up, now do I?)
Anyways, I'm looking for more suggestions! I'm going to start asking for extra responsibility soon, but I need to have a good handle on things first. I'm currently studying up on Government loans (FHA and Veterans Loans), and I've got Mortgages in general, Escrow Accounts, and Money Laundering down. Help me out here!! And for now, I'm going to bed. Goodnight! And have a great Hump Day! Tomorrow is Smallville season finale!


Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to be sick. However, I am amazed at the ingenuity and so early in the've been there what...a week? Next thing your going to tell us is that you have started to carry around a roll of toilet paper in your back pocket so you can follow the big boss into the bano and help out!

Just Kidding...I'm sure you're a wonderful "i'm-sucking-up-to-you-kissing-your-ass-without-you-really-knowing -it employee" I commend you for that. I have to admit I'm impressed with the candy dish thing...very sweet and intuitive.

What do people there do for lunch? Maybe you should start making some lunch dates with some of the more influential staff members there or at least the ones you might need to keep on your good side. (I imagine you've already got somewhat of a grasp on who that is).

Hope to see you moving up the data entry chain!


Anonymous said...

You got the tie now what you need next is start carring a briefcase.


The Melan'jack said...

I've found that most temps (the ones I've worked with anyway) are lazy useless idiots and that tends to make the competent temps look like super heroes. My trick to keeping my last temp job for over a year was to show up on time, do my work, take responsibility, take extra responsibility and Not Bitch About Anything to the boss unless it was a serious issue. Because of that last bit, everytime I did complain, the problem was taken seriously and solved right away.

It also helped that I took over a special project, redesigned it completely, and didn't tell anyone how it worked.

So that's my advice. Prove yourself an excellent employee so they trust you and then make yourself indispensable by making your work a mystery to everyone else.