Monday, May 02, 2005

Just Another Manic Monday

So "work" said we were shooting on a Thursday start date. I'm upset 'cause I won't be allowed to access the internet from work to blog. They made me sign a RIDICULOUS internet form covering everything from no checking email to no keystroke monitors or password cracking programs. This was thorough. So I'll be forced to type up blog entries in a word document and post them when I get the chance. Also I won't actually have a place to live the next few weeks. I want to have some money saved up and idea of the stability of this job before I commit to a lease. That means I'll be spending time up in Bloomington with Ro and probably bed hopping between some of you suckers who offered me a place to crash. I'll be in touch with you all later, about that.

Also since I'm going to school to get a masters in Political Science, I figure that guarantees me a spot for presidency. Now I'm going to be thinking up my cabinet pretty soon, you all may want to start offering those bribes and favors at any time here. The only thing I've decided is that Scott will NOT be on my foreign affairs committee. Seriously, that kid has no control and if you put him in a room with a representative from every nationality he won't stop until WWIII.

I also guess that means I'll have to start watching what I type on this blog. No doubt my opponents will try and "Misquote" me. So, what do you think is the most damning thing to my career that I've said thus far? Man, Melinda... remember the Big Checks that I always hated sorting through at AWR? Imagine how BIG my checks will be when I'm president. That will be awesome! And yes, I will maintain this blog while I'm president. You guys will always have the inside line. Geeze... why doesn't the president have a blog. That should be required. anyway, gotta shower. Later!


Anonymous said...

"Master Rob King of The Universe for President". You already know who I'm voting for. Maybe I'll get a spot in the cabinet.


Anonymous said...

Excuse me! You mean now you can be my Vice Pres....cause I hate to tell you that I am going to be Presie of this USA. So you might want to start talking sweet to me :) ANNA

Anonymous said...

I organized my own coup once in a political science class. My associates and I ruled the class to the utter dismay and disgust of the small-minded professor. This, at least, qualifies me for a Foreign Affairs Committee seat if not the Secretary of State position. BTW, if I am Secretary of State, can I run the ginormous (yeah, I typed that) government organization from the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico? Just curious.

Adam "Real Men Play Poker" Puckett

Scott said...

Ok, first off, I have control. You have no idea exactly how much control I have, you weren't there when I was dared to streak across the set of the new Harrison Ford movie. I fought that self inflicted impulse with every fiber of my body... plus it was cold out. And I wanted to make a good impression with on the hot PA. Not to mention Harrison Ford. Shrinkage would bring me down to the realm of a mere mortal, not the Greek God of male verility that I am. And so, I did not streak.

In other news, yes that situation probably would lead to WWIII, AFTER the delagates finished laughing. Because, like Tim says, when I finally tell the joke that gets me (and/or other people) killed, it'll be hilarious. And to tell the frank and honest truth, that's probably what I'm after. Hit my high note and walk off. If I actually DO walk off rather than being carried out in a body bag, hey bonus.

And besides, I'm total Vice President material. Just think of all the diverting of attention away from you-ing I could do with that position. You would be free to run the country with little to no effective opposition, be a tyrannical, short sighted dictator, much like the Republicans of the present day actually...

Whoa, those hippy protesters with their accoustic guitars must have really gotten to me. I think I'll ponder that for awhile.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

I totally would like to run the Department of Labor. Human Services gets screwed, getting paid pennies compared to the rest of the working world!

Also, I would totally change the FMLA and Maternity Leave rights of women. We get totally screwed here! You get 12 weeks off (if your lucky) and 90% of the time it's unpaid leave, for having a baby! In Canada women get a WHOLE YEAR of maternity leave with 60% of their salary! What a crock!

I think if you are president you should totally pay all of your cabinet members with the big poster size checks each month that Ed McMahn gives for his sweepsteaks, that would be fun.
