Tuesday, May 17, 2005

One of the defining moments days of my life…

We all have those days. Days when something so spectacular happens we just know we’ll remember this day forever. High School Graduation or Prom, Your Wedding Day, Your Wedding Night, you know what I’m talking about…


Sorry, I’m no good at dramatic build-ups and suspenseful story telling so I thought I’d just get it out there right away. Here’s what happened:

I went to go get some fresh strawberries, a biscuit and some coffee on my break this morning. I tried putting a shot of vanilla and a shot of caramel in it too reduce the nasty coffee-taste. Oh yeah, and two cup-things of whitener and 4 sugar packets… still tasted like nasty coffee and I ended up dumping it all out, but none of that is important. On my way back to my desk, I noticed the hot girl walking towards me, so I did what I always do: I kept my eyes down at my feet and tried to avoid eye contact. Problem, this hallway is simply too long. There was nothing that interesting about my coffee or strawberries and it would be OBVIOUS that I wasn’t looking at her on purpose for that long. So I had no choice: I looked up and eye contact was established.

It was like slow motion, we both smiled a friendly hello and then I watched in terror as she opened her mouth to speak to me. I was actually surprised I could make out the words with my pulse racing and the blood pounding in my ears.
Hello,” she said.
Hi,” said me.
Dammit Rob is that the best you can come up with? Pull yourself together! Alright comment on her shirt, it was a nice, pale blue sweater/shirty thing. Say something smooth, like Antonio Banderas. But I didn’t need too, she beat me too the punch,
That’s a nice breakfast you got there. Quick, think fast… be witty.
Nah, I had Cocoa Krispies for breakfast, I figured I should eat SOMETHING healthy today. Stupid, Stupid, STUPID! Now I let her know that I eat breakfast like a 5 year old and probably thinks I was telling her that she should eat healthy too… why don’t I just call her FAT straight out.
Well, I’m not so sure that coffee’s that good for you. Besides, it gives you coffee breath. Did she just wink at me? I swear she just winked at me… Compose yourself Rob. Well, I kinda doubt I’d be in a situation where that will be an issue, at work I mean.” She smiled and stepped a bit closer. Woah, Personal Space Violation!!!
As long as you keep that attitude, you’re probably right.” And she stepped closer to me again…

Alright, I made up that whole last paragraph, so sue me. So what if she said “Hello” and all I could do was croak out a barely audible “Hey…” All of that COULD have been true, but I have a wonderful girlfriend and not interested. And that’s the only reason. It best that I don't talk to her, because in the end it'll be her feelings that get hurt, not mine. So yeah...


Rob said...

I am a liar. Sorry. It's Scott that hooks up with all the totally hot chicks.

Scott said...

He left himself signed in again. That's what he gets. But seriously, considering he was in arm's reach he's lucky I didn't actually hit him after that last paragraph or so. He had me going. Before I found out it was BS I was like "so what'd you do?"

The bastard. Anyway today at our underground lair we worked out most of our home network. Tomorrow I shall steal the nerds from the nerdery to complete operations. However we did already push the network cables through my ventilation system with a ghetto-rigged bamboo pole (don't ask). All in all, it's comming along.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

Rob I'm so disappointed...here I was sitting on the edge of my seat, biting my nails and thinking "Oh my gosh this might lead some where..the suspense!" and then to have it all come crashing down and find out that it was all LIES, LIES, LIES!! Craptastic I say!!

Well at least I guess you got a "Hello"...that should count for something. Has anyone else spoken to you at this new place? Maybe she was feeling sorry for the weird newbie.


Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying the visual of you croaking. It fits.

Adam "You're a Prince!" Puckett

Anonymous said...

It is best if you don't talk to her. Your girl Ro just might do a Contender boxing punch on you.


Anonymous said...

Rob.... I think you should leave it to just the caual Hi and no small talk.
1) You don't know who's girlfriend she is. (Could be the boss's little hotty on the side).
2. You have an awesome girlfriend and she can kick your butt.
3. You have you hands full at home with Scott.

Have fun Mom F