Tuesday, January 17, 2006

To All My Loyal Fans

Tim: I loathe you more than you may ever understand. I played a damn good round of Guitar Hero... a 224 note streak... just to be beaten by your damnable high score. I will probably never forgive you for that.

Scott: Your competitiveness is entertaining to me. Just today you were telling me about how you were idly keeping track of who's blog was getting more hits, but do you know what I realized just now... we're that close in numbers and you had A CLASS WHO HAD TO READ YOUR BLOG!!!! *Insert Smug Smiley Face Here*

Ro: Hi Princess! I miss you!

Mom: Dearest Mother. Thanks for being my most loyal commenting family member. I know others may read this (ahem DAD), but they can't seem to find that comment button.

Josh: What's up Buddy? How's Greek? I'm glad you've got your own blog for me to follow up on nowadays. Damn, next Europe trip we're going to be all over this blogging thing.

Tabitha & Breyn: I've grouped you two into one. Ever since you decided to get pregnant at the same time and such, it was just ridiculous. Breyn, are we doing something together at ITI this year? Do I need to fill out an app for this? What is going on?

Grandma & Grandpa: I know you guys are some of my loyal readers, so I wanted a chance to say "HI GRANDMA! HI GRANDPA!" Can't wait to have you two up to my apartment again for dinner sometime.

Phil: I am ALWAYS entertained by what you think/have to say. It never even bothers me that you don't proofread/capitalize/punctuate your statements. It makes it more like being with you in person... Raw, unadulterated, uncensored Phil.

Kimmy: I've always liked you Kimmy. From day one. Because I saw a slightly more cynical, muchly more female version of myself in you. I think you should form an AWR Rebellion.

Freemama: Ahh Melinda. Because of you, you keep alive all of our good times. Like our Versus Matches, or RubberBand Challenges.

Zin: All the way from India?!? Was one of those dots ACTUALLY you? Wait, so you were in India, reading my blog, and you "didn't have anything interesting to say"?? Give yourself some more credit than that. How about "Hey, I'm reading your blog from India." That's pretty damn interesting to me! *insert quirky smiley face here*

CorietheGreat: The Corie IS Great. Google defines it as "of major significance or importance." aka Corie. You've always got a home here Corie.

Anna: I Love You too Snuggles!!!

Anne: Hey remember that Pig at Cora's (spelling??). Yeah, I definitelyneeded you to cut that piece off for me. We worked well together, i don't think anyone else noticed that I can't stomach the sight of eating the meat straight off the animal.

Grade (A)my Woman: I'm sorry Amy. I didn't mean to forget about you... It just kind of slipped my mind temporarily. Consider this your shout out: "WHADDUP A-to-the-izzmay!!! Keep in real in Nebraska!! Represent!!"

Regina and Connie: Fighting to live up to Freemama and Kimmy in the Ex-PlaceofEmployment Catagory Loyalists. I'm not really sure how often you read this, but you're always welcome. Keep down the fort for me. Or was the lack of commenting because there's only one of you now... Regina???

Jacob: See how you're last Jacob? That's because I hate you.


Scott said...

Rob: I can see you right now. I know when you're home and I know when you're away. The last time they visited my site was in December and it didn't really make that much of a difference. Especially when you consider the lag in my posting in the month of December, what with the cruise and all. It's hard to blog when you're so deeply involved with the beautiful people.

Insert RIPOSTE smiley face!

- Scott

P.S. No one likes you.

Rob said...

eh, it was a flimsy, nonsubstancial arguement. But you can see the irony in the situation and why I felt compelled to post it.

I'm still up by 7 since Jan 2.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Please, Rob. You will never beat my Guitar Hero high scores. You just wait until I get my own. Then the sheer wave of rock will flatten the Rocky Mountains.

And I'll beat my own high scores.

P.S. I'm also winning in hits.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Hey, what song was it? Just out of curiousity. Because, you know...I hold the high score on a lot of them.

C_thegreat said...

awwww! Rock on, thanks for the mention. Totally made my morning, which I totally need before classes!


Anonymous said...

Rob, Breyn and I did NOT get pregnant at the same time. She was pregnant three months before me! and YES, you have to fill out a form, but since I haven't mailed you yours yet, because I'm too busy posting on your blog to help you beat Scott in hits, you're just going to have to wait. I guess I should visit more just to help blow Scott away with hits to the site!


Jake said...

This was a terrible post. Way to alienate any visiting prospective readers who are now turned off by your exclusive blog claptrap.

Rob said...

Ro: It's about Quality, not Quanity. But if you really want to start counting words, I'm pretty sure I talk most about you, and I post pictures of you... and a single picture is worth 100 Jakes.

Tim: Infected by Bad Religion, jerk.

C: Good luck with school! I know mines going to kick me in the rear this year.

Tabitreyn: Wait, so did you need anything from me? You're sending me a form? Do you have my address? I'm confused.

Jake: If I missed anyone I was hoping they would take that opportunity to call me out on it. I know I got everyone who posted this year. Note: this is less of a responce to Jake, more towards the people I may have missed.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I only played that song once. I am a Guitar Hero Master.

Anonymous said...

Actually, for a week and a half I was not here. I went to AZ. (Connie) I'm back and no ONE, not even Gina can get rid of me! I shall prevail to the end! Two new temps have started and I have given them fair warning to stay off of Gina's "Hit List". Hmmm...what can I do to make sure they make "the" list? Just kidding! ;-p Miss you, lots & lots! Love ya.......G & C @ B_ _ _

Anonymous said...

First of all I am my own person thank you very much...I have to share a shout out??

Second, I was pregnant first! (Tabby just wanted to be also ;) that's not my fault)

and Third I see you've decided to use the name Tabitreyn. Why is Tabby first? I should be first not only alphabetically but because I'm older too...what about Breynitha?

Yes you need to fill out a form so we can do PALS2 together this summer...don't be slackin like you usually do.


Anonymous said...

your clustermap is cooler than mine. http://clustrmaps.com/counter/maps.php?url=http://www.xanga.com/Scooter_does_it

- Clive Owen

Anonymous said...

PS i changed my xanga picture in heart for you.

Anonymous said...

Rob aka shnookums,
I am so glad that you love me!!! my life has meaning now....a whole 5 words of meaning. Anyway, hope you are having fun at the buy. I haven't read anything from your stalker lately, maybe you got rid of her.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Man, even MomF loves Guitar Hero. I'm proclaiming it the video game of the century.

Rob said...

Holy Crap! 21 comments!