Friday, January 07, 2005

Video Gaming Etiquette

You know all that crap your parents tell you and you don't really pay any attention too? Well, once when I was younger (we'll say 10) I couldn't get anyone to play Commodore with me because I always beat everyone. And it was expected -- they were all my games. And dad told me... "It's no fun if you can't win."

I don't think I paid it much heed at the time, but for some reason it stuck. And whats more revolutionary than that? Is that he was right! So over time I started to develop a new practice. I wouldn't "let people win" but I would screw around and keep it close and then try to grab the gold at the very last minute. That way the other person would have a far better chance of winning, it was more fun for them, and in the end for me as well. Because then they would play more often and it wasn't winning that I enjoyed, but the challenge and playing.

In college we played a lot of games, or maybe more accurately put, we played a few games a lot. And I saw my theory come into play a lot. One kid, played for only one purpose, to win. While me and another kid would screw around and lose a lot. What was amazing, was I honestly believe we had more fun. To him, everytime he lost, it was "bullshit" and "the game screwing him." It NEVER occurs to him that maybe it was just other people being better... And even though he a bit more often, we never considered him a better player.

But what can we all learn from this? You don't play video games? No big deal, this applies to everything... Cards, Monopoly, Sorry, Checkers... have fun, don't be a sore winner, and don't win all the time.

This may seem like a random post, but you have to understand, I had Tim R and Scott over at my house last night and we were playing some Smash Brothers and Mario Kart. And Scott talks a lot of Smack... let me tell you what, I destroyed him. Mercilessly. I don't know if he'll ever pick up a video game controller again. I won, and was a horribly poor winner, and it wasn't as much fun as I normally have, but Scott talks a lot of trash and I got a sick and twisted satisfaction of annihilating him. Now I'm sure Scott has plenty of games he can beat me at, but I'm not running my mouth off saying I can beat him at those... Ahhhh poor Scott.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your idea of gaming etiquette. However, I think it also depends on who you are playing with. Take Adam for instance, he totally sucks at games that are anything but racing games. (go figure) I got him Grand Theft Auto San Andreas for his birthday and I play it more then he does cuz he stinks at it, therefore he won't play it. Try playing Super Mario Bros. with him and you'll be left playing by yourself cuz he'll die every chance he gets. It's to the point that i find it difficulty playing off that I suck just to make it fair between us. Our game ends up going nowhere! Not that it irritates me or anything!


Rob...sorry I haven't posted on your blog for awhile...I've been kind of busy lately...It's hard work trying to develop an embryo.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

ARGH! Sorry I accidentally posted the above twice. My computer is being ghetto!


Rob said...

Man, and I was excited about 3 comments... but wait, no. All Breyn. But I'm glad to see that someone else knows what I'm talking about. See Breyn, you and I are in a little club. A club of video game elitists. Its a rough life we live.

Good luck developing and stuff... Stay away from microwaves.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the wonderful false sliver of hope trick. I love pulling that one. It mostly happens when I'm playing my friend at Soul Caliber 2 for Gamecube. I'm always Link (cause he is the shit) and my friend tries to be me with, well, anyone else. It usually consistes of me beating him to the point where I know one more hit will kill him, then I back off, let him chase me around and feel like he has me on the run, then *thwip* bust out the bow and arrow for the one final shot. MWAHAHA. damn I love to be evil.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Rob...I tried to post earlier...but my computer was being STUPID!

Anyway...I really don't like video games...I just don't have what it takes to sit there and concentrate for hours....YUCK! However, I do REALLY enjoy playing X-Men with my's the fighting one...we fight, take our frustrations out on cartoons...much better than trying to throw fire balls at each other in real life! He TOTALLY kicks my butt most of them. I know when I DO win, he let me, but it still feels good! I actually won ONCE! He was SO mad at me, because he was actually trying...he can play video games for ever. My son does too....I wonder if being a video game nut is genetic?

That's so deep Rob...I've never expected such seriousness from your've exceded my expectations yet again!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Your secret has been exposed. Now everytime you play a video game with someone and they come close to winning, but you manage to pull ahead in the end, your opponent will have to think twice about their skill level. Maybe you should have kept that to yourself... you may have crushed a few dreams.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, Let's just pause and reflect on the greatest of all gaming platforms, the commodore 64. And let us not underestimate the goodness of the games availble for this miracle machine.


Rob said...

Defender of the Crown
Spy Hunter
Test Drive
Ultima III & IV
Dig Dug

Scott said...

Wow, I don't the smack I talked was even close to the passive aggressive sting job you pulled on your blog. Jeez, talk about a sore winner. Although I will say in my defense, the controlls were confusing. I was trying to beat you at Super Smash Brothers but somehow ended up voting for Buchannan.

In all seriousness, you whipped my ass. I had a hard time sitting down afterwards. *Sigh* now I have to go buy Super Smash Brothers and train up on it. Because the only thing worse than talking smack (which was largely in jest...not that some people seemed to notice) is talking smack and getting owned (and blogged about).

To be honest I'm usually not quite *that* competitive, I do like to sit back like a pimp and enjoy the ride, but this was a Link/Samus grudge match, and in a grudge match you gots to bring the grudge! Oh well, I'll be sure to bring the A-Game and talk a bit less trash next time.

- Scott

Scott said...

P.S. Let's see you get anywhere in Norrath without me.

Rob said...

Ahh Scott, you made my morning. I posted on Friday, expecting a rise outta you... but come now I had even forgotten about it. Its even sweeter when its a suprise.

yeah, I knew I was being a horrible winner... but it was entertaining for me. And entertainment overshadows tact.