Wednesday, May 04, 2005

On the road again...

Like I told Josh not 5 minutes ago. Living out of my car for the next few should be nothing after backpacking Europe. So I'm going to put two hampers in my trunk, one for clean clothes and one for dirty. I'm making a bed roll to make it easier to bed hop. Also I'm including a mini-library in my car (the links are simply to descriptions): The Culture of Fear, Tuesdays with Morrie, Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, and McSweeney's Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories.

Tonight and tomorrow night I'm staying with Scott. Is this a bad plan? probably. Will it be entertaining? Definately. I told him I'd cook in return for my stay. Let's see how long it takes mom and dad to notice that my rice cooker and the extra wok is missing. And this weekend I'm hanging out with the girliefriend. Ro is going to be gone all summer at a camp for people with special needs, and to help stay in touch she is... this almost brings a tear to my eye... my girlfriend is going to... Have a Blog! There's nothing on it now, but in a few weeks I imagine you can expect greatness. Anyways, everything after this weekend is still pretty fuzzy, but I think I should be given credit to have things figured out that far in advance.

I also see this as an opportunity to get a feel for what it will be like, campaigning on the road. I'll have to reach out to those swing states you know. I've also been thinking a lot about your requests to be on my staff. I've decided there's a place for everyone. Adam, you did request Foreign Affairs and it seems you've ran unchallenged, also you can temporarly hold Secretary of State as well, seeing that I have yet to fill that spot. And I've spoken with Mexico, they seem hesitant to give up the Yucatan Peninsula, but I think we can "change their minds." Oh, I will enjoy that little red button. Freemama, you are my running mate. One of your jobs is going to be to help Adam and I do match ups. We're talking America vs. Mexico, America vs. North Korea, America vs. Paris Hilton, etc. I need the best minds in the field working on this.

But that's all for now. I've got to pack. Later!


Rob said...

Woah, gonna put a stop to that right now. I'll give Rowela a bonus point for creativity, but not 8 points. And if anyone else tries any funny business, I'll dock you a point. And if Scott signs 10 posts as Ro to make her lose a point, Scott loses a point. There, have we covered all the bases? Good.

One last thing. Remember, the point of Commenter Standing is not to be the best, at the top of the list. Since only one person can be at the top, that's hardly fun for all. The important thing is to be better than the people below you. So the people of your biggest concern is the person immediately above and below. Have fun!

Scott said...

Ok, so now I have a new goal in life. I'll put this one right above throwing waterballons filled with urine at Paris Hilton, and it is to be on the top of that list. Step 1, not only sign my posts as Ro, but hack into her blogger account so the posts look more legit. Step 2, comment as usual so all can see my brillance and charm. Step 3, make a note to myself about not plotting my nefarious schemes aloud and in type.

So clearly I have things to think about. And also, I think this staying at my place thing will produce some good posts. Now time for class.

- Scott

Anonymous said...


Sorry I have been out of touch...I have been at home throwing up since Sunday (the joys of growing a human being inside of me). I would like to be some financial guru for your presidency. I am going to be an accountant and all. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Also, if you get desperate (and by that I mean simply I have a 3 1/2 year old hellion) you can crash on my couch. I can guarantee it's not as fun as Scott's apartment, but I do have Smallville Seasons 1-3 on DVD that my hubby would GLADLY watch! If you like PS2 games (mostly Dragon Ball lately), there's stuff to do).


Anonymous said...

First off I don't think giving Adam that much power is a good idea...however if he gets the Yucatan Penninsula in the deal then i'm all for it, living there would be great!

Secondly, I would like to petition to have Canada destroyed and added to your list of America vs. .....

and while I'm thinking about about passing a law stating that all fast food restaurants must now rename all their FRENCH Fries to AMERI-Fries...catchy no? I like it.


Rob said...

Thanks for the offer Tabitha, I'll let you know if I need anything. And good luck with that kid thing, make the man go get you a fudge sundae tonight because you're "Craving." It'll make you feel better.

Breyn, your warning will be taken into account. Also I will have a serious system of "checks and balances" (i.e. Melinda's VS Expertise). We can not destroy Cananda just because, you'll have to do better than that. And finally, I agree we should not call them French Fries - but not for the same reasons you do. We should call them Belgium Fries, because that's what they frickin' are. Whatever idiot started calling them french fries had no idea what he was doing. I was in France, they didn't really have fries there at all... and when they did, do you know what they called them? BELGIUM FRIES!!! (Frites actually, if memory serves).

Anonymous said...

Bah...Canada should be destroyed and/or taken over because 1. they don't really do anything (I guess they supposedly have good Maple Syrup but Mrs. Butterworth's tastes pretty darn good to me!)2. I don't think it's fair they get better maternity benefits...therefore point the missle their way and push the button.

Ok...Belgium already has a good food named after them...Belgium Waffles...why should they get Fries too? I say Ameri-Fries all the way, unless you can think of anything better that America can take hold of...and I don't think the classic Chili Dog works because frankly that's just you have any idea whats in those things? That's right NOBODY does!


Scott said...

Hey, Canada is awesome. Leave it as it is, and/or annex it. But I vigorously frown on blowing it up, simply because it is filled with hot chicks. Vancouver and Toronto especially. And I know what you're thinking, "No way, those chicks look like dudes". And I used to think that too, but then I realized that the chicks on Kids in the Hall are dudes. Incidentally, it made me feel really weird about a few pictures I had...

Err, that's not the point. The point is this: Vancouver is awesome. Canada stays. Such so it is written, SO IT SHALL BE!

- Scott

Anonymous said...

Canada should stay. Never been there, can't comment on the women dudes...sorry.

Just call them "fries" and no country need be given credit for them. Then, who cares where the idea came from!

They should definitely not be Belguim fries, I agree they have the waffles and that's good enough!

The French don't need the fries, they've got the kiss. That's enough for them to have credit for as well.


Anonymous said...

HEY where is the rice cooker and stir fry pan????????????????????????????????????????????
What country are you planning on running for? Mom F

Scott said...

I had the pleasure of meeting Ro tonight. And I'd like everyone to know that she's a very nice girl... who I will now GRIND INTO THE GROUND IN THE WAR OF COMMENTS!

That is all.


Timmy Tapeworm said...

Do the comments actually have to have content? If that's a requirement...uh...I quit.

Anonymous said...

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