Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Blue Suit Strikes Back!

Alright, so I was off my game for a little while here. Not all my fault, the internet was down at our place until about 5pm. But I'll bring you up to speed: I'm employed. Not one, but TWO jobs. I start Wednesday at Bunn-o-Matic doing receptionist stuff 8:30-4:30. I pee'd in a cup today for Best Buy, and I'm going to work there on nights and weekends. I wore my Blue Power Suit to the interview on Saturday and got hired on the spot. THAT'S how awesome I am. And if this receptionist job is one of those jobs where I have spare time, we can hope I can update from work again - cause it's just easier when I'm being paid to blog.

I was SO excited about the new job I went shopping. I got two pairs of Khakis from Walmart (Best Buy Uniform), I paid Scott rent money (I bet he's happy), I went grocery shopping AND I bought a new Wok!!! It's a beautiful thing, being employed (and the wok too). By the way, if anyone out there likes Stirfry, I've got a few AWESOME recipes.

And for final important news...
I was able to see Ro this weekend which was wonderful. And something else that's wonderful: She's now maintaining her own
blog! So everyone can encourage her and read about the ridiculousness and goings-on at her camp. I'd rather you comment on hers than mine, she's far away. For those of you who don't know, she's working at a camp for people with special needs in Iowa all summer, and her cell phone doesn't even work out there. So that probably explains my random "Missing Ro" posts.


Anonymous said...

Great News! I am so proud of you Rob! Mom F

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Rob. I'm glad you are twice blessed with a job! Now, with two jobs, you'll just have to find time to do awesome fun stuff to write in your blog!

Hope all is well in Jerseyville. I heard there was a tornado near there last night.


Anonymous said...

I like what you said about wearing your blue Power suit that makes you an official Power Ranger. Back to my list of movie stars my yes list is a bit long so, off the top of my head I came up with my no list just to name a few. Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson and that Donald "You're fired" guy.


Anonymous said...

There wasn't a tornado but very ominous clouds with swirling motion hanging out of the front. We had several reports from citizens around the county. No damage reported other than downed power lines Tabitha. I think we did made the news again though.. Mom F

Jake said...

I'm glad you are now employed. I'm sorry I was sort of insensitive when you got fired. Although, in retrospect, you could have warned me...

Scott said...

He was crushed for days after that insensitivity Jake. And I took no less well to it. How dare you sir, how dare you.

Also, he had no idea what you were talking about. Then remembered, then said that it didn't phase him at all. So, way to be OVER sensitive. Why don't you cry while I eat my dolphin and tuna sandwich.

- Scott

P.S. Congrats on the jorb.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Rob...you should of worn the purple suit though...if you had I bet they not only would of given you a job on the spot but a promotion as well! That suit is HOT!

So now you have money huh? How bout taking your favorite Springpatch girls out for horseshoes then?! Tabby and I are always available for that!


Anonymous said...

Rob I am so happy for you. Although I have admit when you described your suit as "smart" I had a flashback from that scene in Good Will Hunting when Ben Affleck did an interview for Matt Damon in a suit that was too small for him with his hair slicked to the side. No offense to you Rob. You rock!!!

Anonymous said...

Two job? You got only two job. I got FIVE job, mahn.

You lazy, two-job mahn.