Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Reason #483

Why my girlfriend is awesome...
She's a Gamer!
That's right, I've got 3 undeniable facts that illustrate my claim:
  1. She wants me to get this Barbie game for her that she couldn't ever beat on regular Nintendo. She's obsessed. Apparently there was this one part that she just couldn't get past, and years later she's still not able to let it go.
  2. She couldn't watch a racetrack, Greyhounds or Horses, she wouldn't be able to stop telling you how lame it was. Why? Because compared to Chocobos, Horses are lame. She can go on about how much she'd like to have her own Chocobo for hours. But what is a chocobo, you may ask. Well, its a creature from the Final Fantasy Series.
  3. Which brings me to my final, and most devastating point. She's beaten Final Fantasy 7. You may not realize this, but that's quite an accomplishment. It takes no less than 40-50 hours of playtime for a person to beat a Final Fantasy Game. But it doesn't stop there. She's beaten 7, 8, 9 and 10. You do the math. That's a Heck of a lot of video gaming. This is for you Ro: Chocobo Racing Games.
So there you have it, she's a gamer, and she's adorable. And she's mine.
(do you hear that Tim?)


Rob said...

P.S. Updates on Eurolog and Ro's Blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow Rob...she is perfect for you! You're both video game geeks! You two will never be bored!


Timmy Tapeworm said...

I know, Rob...sigh...

I just like messing with you guys. I don't think Ro and I would work out anyway. I have a minimum height requirement that she doesn't even come close to.

You must be THIS high to ride the Timmy.

Hey, wait a second...

Scott said...

Yeah, you'd pretty much have to be high to ride the Timmy wouldn't you? I mean, it'd be like making out with a year old sapling. All willowy and filled with banter.

But I understand the specification, I myself have a maximum height requirement. No minimum though, in fact if I could cart her around in a Poke ball that would be pretty cool too. "I choose you Girlfriendazard! Using nagging attack!"

Rob, while it's true that your girlfriend rocks, I have to wonder if these odes to her greatness are because she's far away, or because you have nothing else to post. Either way, good strategy. Far better than pictures of decapitated celebrities. And for that, I applaud you.

- Scott

P.S. I like how Rob doesn't even consider me a threat. It seems the plan is progressing nicely.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

That's awesome about the Chocobos though. Those things run fast.

And I understand the obsession with past games. I've never gotten over my "You rappin' awful" performance on an in-store demo of Parappa the Rappa. And I have excellent rhythm. I maintain to this day that the game knew I was white and penalized me because of it.