Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Greatest Trick my job ever pulled...

...was to convice the world it didn't exist. And proof? Just that *poof* it's gone.

The Usual Suspects is a great movie. Getting a 7:30am phone call saying all the temps have been "let go" sucks. Well, I'm officially unemployed again, but I'm afraid I don't have the luxury of staying at home right now. So I've got to get on that job search and regain a source of income (Prostitution isn't as good here in Springfield as Jerseyville - the Pimps are pretty rough here too.) I did apply for jobs at Wells Fargo and I even made it to the interview stage on Monday, so we'll have to wait and see.

So yeah, that's about all I can say about that. I did everything I could, so I'm not going to dwell too much on it. Also I scared the ever-loving crap out of Scott when he came home from class. Its amazing how standing behind a door saying "Lost my job." in the most dejected voice and depressed face you can muster can instill fear in the unexpecting. It's actually a bit like those Japanese horror films. And Scott jumped and fell over. Good times were had by all.

On one last note. Scott and I were talking at the blood bank (yeah, we save lives) and we saw an Osama Video on the news. That man really needs to get some decent lighting and effects on that show. Like "OTV" in the Corner with a nice explosive intro and such. You'd figure he had the money for it, and one of those guys has to know something about that sort of thing.


kimberlyb1974 said...

Robby, that so sucks...but, then again, maybe you'll get hired full time there!

We're supposed to be getting hit here with mail again, soon, so maybe you could stay out here for two weeks? hahaha...not.

Back to being a podster, instead of false-management. Donna has returned much to my chagrin.

Nothing else to add...gosh, I'm boring.


Anonymous said...

Wow Rob. That blows. Sorry. They didn't even give you any warning or anything!

Good luck job hunting. There are a lot of employment agencies here in town, so that might help. I know UPS is'd work like 4a.m. - 8 a.m. with pretty good starting pay, but the job sucks. Good luck with anything else.


Timmy Tapeworm said...

I particularly enjoyed the reenactment of said startling. It's funny that the reenactment was actually more damaging to the property than the original.

Anonymous said...

Awwww babe i am sorry you lost your job! I have some great news......oh its good news....TARGET is hiring....thats right you can come work with Allison, Kim, And I wouldn't that be mad know it would be! I heart you! good luck with the job search