Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Rob and Sex Symbols

Nothing recent really triggered this, but I thought I'd cover it anyways. I'm starting to believe there's a misconception about me and my female tastes, mainly that I have some sort of ethnic fetish (for lack of a better word). So I'd thought I'd dispel that right now. I do not find Lucy Liu very attractive. There, I hope that clears it all up for you.

Alright, so maybe we'll go into more specifics. So it's true that my 2 serious relationships have been interracial, but I also don't think anyone would argue that both have been two of the nicest people, and both were/are beautiful. But just how some people prefer blondes, I have very distinct ideas of what is beautiful for many different ethnicities. And I would never be able to put it into words so lets have pictures do all the work.

I hate Paris Hilton - these two not hot. They make my skin crawl. They are the kind of people who I wish Darwinism would have weeded out long ago. Britney Spears Circa 2000 - Hot. Ahh, the good old days.

Kristin Kruek - Way Hot. Its true, I'd watch anything she was in just because she was in it. Lucy Liu - Don't really care. I prefer big Disney eyes. Like Kristin (or my girlfriend of course).

Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider - not hot. Her lips freak me out, I don't understand the draw. I'm mean, its not as bad as Stephen Tyler, but still... Jessica Alba in Sin City - Hot.

This girl from the movie we watched last night - Hot. Uma Therman from movie last night... eh. She's definitely better looking than Quentin.

Jennifer Love Hewitt I always thought was kinda rat-faced.... pointy head and such, Lindsay Lohan I never cared for and she now looks worse than ever, and Michelle Rodriguez scares me.

So yeah, that a summary of my views of today's pop sex symbols. Anyone else got any sex symbols that you just don't understand? Ones where you just don't see what the fuss is all about?


Anonymous said...

Wait I'm confused....I thought you and Scott were an item?

Very interesting topic...Ok..I know this may be "untradtional" for today's woman but I really don't get what's so great about Tom Cruise..granted he's good looking but he's still a short little guy with a big nose that makes him talk nasally...not hot...but ok

Brad Pitt...Hot..but with the Legends of The Fall Look...buff and beautiful with the long hair anymore he's just cute.

Brendan Fraser...definately HOT HOT HOT...ESPECIALLY in George of the Jungle...super buff, tan running around half naked with the long hair (granted the movie is cheesy but I found if you put it on mute it's much more enjoyable) The Mummy was another good one with him in's the top of my list of guy's I would leave Adam for...and yes Adam knows that..wouldn't want it to be a painful shock to him when it happens.

Orlando Bloom...Gorgeous as the Elf in LOR!! I could pause it and just stare at him for hours

(again another guy with pretty hair...weird...never noticed I had a thing for that...was that why I really started dating Adam?? Now his hair is short...what can that mean??? hmmmm)

Johnny but in a creepy way..can't explain it

Keanu Reeves...way way after Bill & Ted's...Speed and Matrix Hot

Who I don't understand...Steven Tyler and Mic Jagger...old and funky lips ew...Ben Affleck, eh...Leonardo DiCaprio, still looks like he's 15...same with Matt Damon...and George Clooney, I don't know he just doesn't do it for me.


The Melan'jack said...

Thank you for saying Jennifer Love Hewitt is not hot. I never thought so anyway but then, when she talks.. oh god, why is she allowed to talk?

Also... I've said it before and I'll say it again: The chick that played Helen in Troy = NOT HOT.

Anonymous said...

I think Angelina Jolie isn't to bad especially all dressed she looks very nice. Michele Rodriguez very tomboyish I did like her in the movie SWAT. I would like to see what she looks like all dressed up.
NO Uma Therman, Jessica Alba is my girl she is a cutie I remember seeing her on the TV show Dark Angel a couple of years ago. Jennifer Gardner another one of my girls. I have to think of some others later.


kimberlyb1974 said...

Why does Jennifer Garner always look like she's pouting? I don't like her.

Angelina was hot in Gia. Especially when she was naked against the fence in that one scene. Hot. Otherwise, I can't stand her. Especially when she puts on a british accent. Yuck.

Jennifer Love Hugetits sucks.

Jennifer Anuston (yes, I meant to spell is that way) sucks.

Paris Hilton needs to eat more carbs and concentrate less on all the protein she consumes via Rick Solomon.

Uma Thurman sucks. I don't care if she can handle samurai swords or not.

I think Rachel Weisz is kinda cute. Nothing more to say on girls right now, I've got to get down to business.

I like Eion Bailey, and dorky Hayden Christensen. I tend to find skinny guys attractive. I think Johnny Depp is hot, but I still have his 21 Jump Street poster hanging in my room. Also, Christian Bale is nice, but I really liked him when he's all starved and sickly like in "The Machinist." Oh, and James Spader will always be on my list.

I just realized that most of the guys I'm thinking of were hot in the '80's. Oh geez, am I that old?

Tom Cruise was always on my HOT list until he was on Oprah flopping around the stage like a friggin' tuna with Tourette's. I wish Oprah would have brought out all her ghetto-ness and kicked his ass. What a turd.

Also, when did Patrick Dempsey become good looking? I'm sorry but he's totally the epitome of geekiness and he will live on in my memory as the guy from "Loverboy".

Of course, I have to end this with Rob is HOT, since it's been so long since he's heard it from me. Hope you liked that one, Robby. You know you're always at the top of the list.


Rob said...

Breyn, I'll never understand the obsession with Brendan Fraser. And I gotta say, Adam lost a lot of "something" with me when he cut the tail off... but all of that is old news. And I didn't think ANYONE thought Steven Tyler was hot... now Liv has looked good before, but never Steven.

Wendy Loo, a lot of us had the same conversation. Helen is supposed to be the most beautiful woman in existance, and in the movie... yeah, she wasn't unattractive, but hardly the hottest to ever walk the planet.

Freemama, I'm glad to know we see eye to eye on Alba. Now the big question is, Dark Angel vs Electra? Who would win? In my opinion, it wouldn't matter... it be hot either way.

Kimmy, thanks for the kindness. Believe it or not, I miss having you guys at work. Not that I miss working. Or that I miss American Water, but when I was working I wished you were all there with me. I have to settle on trying to find replacements for each of you, and that's just not possible. Also, I had to look up 80% of the guys you listed... what's the deal with that? I never heard of half of 'em!! But I'm glad to see I top the list!

Anonymous said...

Rob, I'm glad you hadn't ever heard of those guys either, because I was like "who?"

Breyn, I totally agree with all your hotties, except Brendon Frasier. Now, he looked hot in the mummy (the 1st, not really the 2nd), but I'd have to add Heath Ledger! Orlando Bloom and Heath Ledger I can leave Phillip for! I use to think Jonathan Taylor Thomas was to die for, but after seeing him on Smallville...he was hot as a kid not so much now that he's older!

I have NEVER gotten the Paris Hilton thing. She's not hot. Lindsey Lohan was cute when she was a child she's just trying to hard NOT to be a child star!

I have NEVER understood George Clooney. He's cute, but not hot.

The actress that played Helen of Troy...I was thinking the SAME thing. She's OK looking, but definitely not worth going to war over. Especially for Orland Bloom! He could do MUCH better!

I am a big fan of Jessica Alba. Dark Angel was like my favorite TV show! I have both seasons on DVD. I want to get the book that's out from the writer of that show about what WOULD have happened had there been a season 3!

Uma..never understood that either. I think a lot of movie star women are just TOO thin. There's just something unattractive about a women who looks like she's starving herself to death! thing. Why did you stop with the comment counter?!


Scott said...

I wondered who would notice that Tab, Rob just asked me that same question. Well, really he asked if I remembered when he quit. But I haven't been paying attention lately either.

I will say one thing about your list, Jennifer Love Hugetits is friggin' hot. Not always, but circa "Heartbreakers"? That is some hotness. However I will admit that she can look really over pointy faced.

On my top ten list are these:

1. Hilary Duff
2. Eva Longoria
3. Elisha Cuthbert
4. Natalie Imbruglia
5. Jessica Alba
6. Maria Menounos
7. Alexis Bledel
8. Mandy Moore
9. Lacey Chabert
10. Rachel McAdams

And I could still go on. Emma Watson is a very close 11th. But anyway, I have a movie to get to, so I'll leave you with one last revelation: Michelle Rodriguez has turned out to be a man. She's actually one of the boys from Menudo, post op of course.

And with that, I'm out.

- Scott

Scott said...

And Jessica Biel. Her too.

kimberlyb1974 said...

Hey, if I chose people to like that every one knew right off the bat, it just wouldn't be me.


Anonymous said...

Rob~ You stopped keeping track of comments at about the same point you lost your job. I noticed right away, I just didn't say anything because I thought you were working on it or something!

I must say, the Indian you is freaky, just downright freaky!
