Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Pulling the Strings

So, what do I post about? How about the time I almost put chapstick on my armpits... no, already did that. How about my day at work? Wait, I work in solitary in a walled-off section of the cafeteria... I don't see anyone. Moreover, I'm only working 4-5 hours a day now. So that means I'm gonna reach into the old bag and see what I come out with.

I've got some questions, and where's a better place to address them than on my blog. Personally, I believe that everyone is a bit manipulative at some point or another. Lets say you have something you want to tell someone, but it's tricky and you don't want to come out of no where, so you figure out a way to work into it. Or you don't want to tell them, so you try and make it so they figure it out themselves. I do this all the time. One thing I always have done since highschool was to hold mock conversations with people in my head. I used to do it when I worked at the restaurant in Jerseyville all the time. I'd get into arguments with the customers over random things (lots of times things would get violent and I'd figure out the best way to win without "fighting"). I guess that's a bit different than manipulative, but it's in the same vein. Look at me at work. I actively go out of my way to figure ways to win over the bosses and such without being obvious.

Is that different than being manipulative. In highschool I used to try and pass off a saying that "Life was a game that people just need to figure out how to play." I never try to hurt or take advantage of someone. I don't try and undermine people. I try and raise myself, not put down others. I think there's a difference to what I conciously do all the time and being manipulative. The latter has such a negative condintation, and I don't think that's right. Anyways, what do you think? Think its wrong to try and get ahead like I did at my last job? Know a better word for it? Do you ever do the same, even if you don't put as much thought into it? Do I think entirely too highly of myself? Come on people, that's enough questions for like like 10 comments right there.


Anonymous said...

First comment! whoo hoo! anyway, reading ur post, i don't see how its possible to not in some way or form be a little manipulative to get ahead... especially in a work environment. i mean, arent there always some asses to kiss? of course, bringing urself up in the game does sometimes have a side effect of tearing others down. they are two separate things but sometimes they come hand in hand. basically, politics stink but they exist. then again, what do i know? i'm a 17 year old minor who has not had a job... ever. thats just what i think and obsearve. it may be crap and i'm willing to accept that. :)
hope work isn't killing u too much.

The Melan'jack said...

I see nothing wrong with manipulating people. Especially dumb people. But mostly because I'm a bad person and I'm... okay with that.

"Evil will always triumph, because Good is dumb."

kimberlyb1974 said...

Oooh, I love the mock conversations that go on in my head. Just this morning I imagined myself confronting a certain supervisor and asking her if she'd like me to pull the carrot out of her ass, or if she was just keeping her lunch warm. I also imagined tripping her in the hallway.

It's a real shame though when you get the chance to confront that person, and the drama you played out in your head all morning about how you were really gonna sock it to her, ends in, "Fine. Whatever. Thanks." What happened to all the defiant foot stomping and finger pointing I had originally intended?

Oh, if only I could harness some of that Sagittarian rage I have burning deep down and unleash it at just the right times, I'd be a hero to all. I'd be unemployed, but still....

If manipulate means to control or take advantage of by unfair or insidious means, then AWR has a lock on manipulations.

Although, is it considered manipulation of a conversation goes somewhat like this:

Scene 1: (Standing over my desk, exclaiming loud enough for at least 5 other people to hear:)

BOSS: "Kim, I really love that color of sweater on you."

~"Uh, thanks?"

BOSS: "Oh yes! It really brings out your eyes"

~"Oh, gee, that's very nice."
...(three seconds of silence, followed by a sudden arm grab)...

BOSS: (whispering loudly ) "Could I see you in my office for a sec?"

Which is then followed by guidance counselor level scoldings about everything from tardiness, to absences, to snooping, to gossiping, to "leaving your blinders on."

Oh, geez I'm bitching about work again. Wish I had more of a life to bitch about something else.

Well, I'm off to find more things to bitch about. I love that word, bitch. Bitch, bitch, bitch.

~Bitchy McBitcherson