Thursday, June 30, 2005

I hate my roommate

That's right. I hate him. Trying to understand him makes my head hurt. The sight of him induces nausea. The sound of his voice is second only to the sound of Gilmore Girls, and that's the antsy, akwardness that you feel in your chest much like when sitting passanger to someone who can't drive very well and you fear for your life. I told him I was going to blog about how much I hated him right now, and that exactly what I'm doing. I didn't make a sandwich because Scott said he was hungry so we were going to eat a frozen pizza. Yes it is 10:30 at night, but we're hungry. Anyways. He turned on the oven, he prepped the pizza plate (more on this later), I thought it was only safe to assume he was going to put the pizza in the oven. But did he?? NO HE FORGOT!!!

He doesn't do dishes very often either. I hate him for that too... sometimes instead of doing the dishes he's admitted to hiding them in the oven (Sometimes forgetting they're in there when he preheats days later). Also I hate him for not cleaning the pizza plate. He has also admitted to wrapping it in aluminum foil when it gets dirty, repeating this process until he has to take it to the car wash and power spray it clean.

I also hate him for beating me in Unreal Tournament. And I hate him for using big words I don't understand, and referencing obsecure (or better known) celebrities and I have to pretend I know what the hell he's talking about. And I hate him for getting a free ride at his college. And I hate him for... Well EVERYTHING!!!! He's nazi-crap monger!


Scott said...

First off all, the term I like to use is "shit bathing Nazi". And that term isn't applied to me, it's applied as the highest form of insult for people I don't like. Get it right, cracka. Next up... yeah I did do that. And it was pretty awesome to see your reaction to it. Complete accident. Completely hilarious. And what's this "sight of him induces nausea". You told me you had your jealousy in check!

But I suppose the one I have to refute the most is the Power Washing. I do that ONLY on those ridiculous dishes no one can get clean anyway. For the really baked on, caked on crap. Like my pizza pan. It tends to be hard to clean. And I'll admidt, sometimes I want another pizza before I want to clean it.

For that, there's tin foil. After a few rounds of this, it becomes time to load up those hard to clean items, and head to the car wash. A dollar gets me soap, water, AND 10,000 PSI. I literally blast the germs into other area codes. And the shine! Plus if I wax them I don't have to worry about things sticking to it. It's poor man's teflon! See, you should pay me rent and tuition. Where else are you going to learn these pearls of wisdom?

- Scott

Rob said...

And I hate him for the stupid comments he leaves.... Like that one. And I hate him for every dish in the sink. And I hate him for inevitably leaving his car windows rolled down everytime it rains. And I hate him because Robert Morris College is on Facebook, yet University Illinois at Springfield is not. What the heck is that about?!?!

Scott said...






Sorry, a little cheering was in order for the school I helped get on Facebook. I seriously do NOT have that much school spirit most of the time. I'm usually pretty anti-school-affiliation. Advocate Anonymity!

- Scott

Anonymous said...

Boys, Boys, Boys. Tis tis. Settle down get a grip. Rob you are the most non confrontation person I know so where did all this pent up anger come from?
Choose you battles.

This pizza pan thing? Not a battle. It is something you have forgotten as well. Not to wash it but to put the pizza in.

The dirty dish thing? Not a Battle. No one ever lost sleep over dirty dishes. Umm come to think of it you didn't clean up much yourself. How do you like living with that?

His vocabulary skills? Not a battle. Study up, word for the day, one page at a time and you to can increase your vocabulary. Your quite intelligent yourself.

The Unreal Tournament? Not a Battle. it is a game. (I can't believe he beat you).

Now your reference to the Gilmore Girls unforgivable! You know that is one of my favorites shows and you must take that one back! Mom F

Rob said...

Pizza Pan thing: BATTLE! Just another example of the ridiculousness I am forced to bear witness to every single day.

Dishes: BATTLE! I like cooking, I hate cleaning.

Vocabulary: BATTLE! Its a battle of wits just as vicious as a battle with swords. You can exhert superiority over someone by proving you are smarter. It is one of the many skirmishes that I fight everyday in the war that is our apartment.

Unreal Tournament? Ok, now that really is a battle. You run around with guns and shoot eachother. I believe that's pretty close to Google's defination of a battle.

Gilmore Girls: They don't take time to breathe! Its just a constant flow of witty banter back and fourth with out as much as a second's hesitation. The Dialouge is just as unrealistic as a man being able to fly and run faster than a speeding bullet and such. At least I know it's the Earth's yellow sun that gives superman his powers. What the heck is up with this town of people on Gilmore Girls? Where's their powers come from?

muwah-ha ha ah-ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob! Its life.... deal with it.

Oh I noticed the new picture of your clean shaven self. Nice, I had forgotten what you looked like. Thanks Mom F

P.S. Gilmore Girls Rock!

Anonymous said...

Wow you sound like your married! I have the same issues with Adam (granted I will commend him for having gotten half way decent at remembering to do the dishes in the 3 years we've been married) HOWEVER I know the feeling of the stuck on food or better yet he's a I'll have like 10 dishes filled with gross old food and soapy water that he's soaking on the counter for days at a time (I guess a little elbow grease doesn't cut it anymore)!!

Or instead of leaving the old pizza pan in the oven, Adam leaves the left over PIZZA in there....God forbid he takes it out wraps it up and puts it in the fridge...I think he figures he's saving a step or something cuz then the next day or so he can just turn the oven on and heat it up....GROSS!!!


Anonymous said...

Poor baby, where is the love? Stay positive in your thinking now its going to be a long weekend.


Anonymous said...

OK, I have some solutions to your problems. First, get a dishwasher. They make ones that are on wheels and they roll right up to your sink. Amazing!

Pizza pan issue~ Rob, as a gift, give Scott those disposable pizza pans. Not too expensive and it solves the bickering!

The battle of vocabulary and the video game...can't help you there. Read more and spend more time playing the game (which might be hard considering your three jobs).

Gilmore Girls, yah, I'm not a fan. Can't help you there. I've never really watched a single episode, just seen it while channel surfing!


Anonymous said...

Dear Rob
stop whinning . you sound like the movie "10 things i hate about you " . just think it could be worse you could be at home still. just joking mom f. i love anyway i like the gilmore girls too. you should not be so mean you do wierd things to but look at it as an adventure . i have to say that because i do things like the whole car wash thing to.

Rob said...


I don't recall inviting you to comment so you can ridicule and tell me to "Stop Whinning." There is only MY way, and the WRONG way... you best mind yourself. Your not that far away from me at all, in just a bit more than an hour I can be smacking you around just like before! Or I'll sic Kim on you.

Jake said...

I hate BOTH of you.

kimberlyb1974 said...

When he said "I'll sic Kim on you", did he mean me?
