Wednesday, November 03, 2004

And after a painful debate...

A decision has been reached.

A lot of good ideas were thrown out there, but when it comes down to it. Lisa seemed to know me best. Gilato every day is beyond tempting... and there are A LOT of super hot Italians. So after much deliberation, I have decided. I'm moving to New Zealand. I don't even think that NZ was a serious suggestion. But here's what I've come to realize - it's Perfect!

1) No one, with the exception of friendly banter from the Aussies, messes with NZ. And not from an intimidation factor, its more like how no one messes with Canada. Its like picking on Michael J. Fox - no one does it.

2) Its an island, and very far away from the everyone else. When the bombs start flying, I think they'll make it.

3) I know someone there. That's right, Antoine I'm talking about you man. Don't be surprised when you see me knock on your door. For those of you who don't know, Big-A was a friend we met in Prague.

4) The Kiwi's invented the Bungee Jump! How awesome is that!

5) No matter where I'm at in the country, the ocean never as far as my commute to work everyday here in the states.

6) They've got some freaky-awesome animals. I mean: Dingoes, Tuataras, Kiwis and the Platypus.

7) New Zealand has the longest place name in the world:
Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu. (Space added so it can fit on screen) It translates as "the place where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, who slid, climbed, and swallowed mountains, known as land eater, played his flute to his loved one".

So there you have it folks. I've looked it up on Expedia and it appears a one way ticket will run you about $1,500. The question you have to ask yourself is, can you put a price tag on safety? well... actually, I guess you can... and it appears to be $1,500. So I'll be placing an order within a few weeks. Let me know how many tickets I need to get. You are all, of course, invited. See ya on the flip side!


Anonymous said...

Since you are getting ready to pack your bags... it is with great sorrow that I say this- you will be greatly missed. I wish I could join you, but alas... I am chained to ISU. Because I may never see you again, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you exactly how I feel about you. And I think that nothing less than an ecard can do my feelings justice. Take care!


Anonymous said...

Yep! It looks like NZ is going to need a larger island they will be overflowing with American Refugees from the United States (all aboard)!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think that NZ would be cool, but unfortunatly I still have to finish my career at Illinois State, who DID, by the way, voted for Kerry. Does New Zealand have crazy animals that can kill you there? I was watching a show about ants, and they said that there was this Bull Dog Ant that has caused more deaths than snakes, skarks, spiders, and bears COMBINED. I certainly am not going to live in a place that I can be killed by ants.


Anonymous said...

So should we plan a going away party, with non alcoholic beverages and ox tail. (I still think you should try that) Are you taking your car or can we give that to Jamie?

At $1500.00 one way you won't be seeing too many of us from the old USA.

You need to learn to adapt to situations. When two people run for office one is going to win (Bush) and one will lose (Kerry). Half the folks will like it, half won't. It is just 4 years and you did what you could to prevent it, quit whinning. You voted and have every right to speak out in the future about what is being done wrong.... or you can just run away and leave all that love you...
Your choice..

Anonymous said...

I still vote for Italy.


Scott said...

Hmm, you know I've been planning a sailing trip from Sydney to Auckland. So I might drop by. Especially if you have a nice little Kiwi house. (And from what Tim says a hot girlfriend.) So...yeah I'll visit.

Just look out they drive on the opposite side of the road. And their water spins the opposite way (though not in toilets like people sometimes say. It requires a larger system, but it still happens.)
Anyway, enjoy your new home. And trick them all into comming to America, so there's more room for us. - Scott

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Scotty! Come on! Thanks for selling me out, man. Geez, I'm never telling you anything again. (Ro, I do think you're a very pretty girl and as such, I have no idea what you're doing with Rob.) There, I got to say it myself. Scott, you jerk.

Rob - I'm with you, man. I figure as long as we're all moving, we might as well start some sort of colony.

Scott said...

Tim, it occurs to me that lots of things I've said/done lately have come off with you unhappy. So I want to say it on a blog many people read: Tim Ryder is awesome. There. I said it.

On another note, if you don't want something repeated try not to post it on the internet. Just a thought. - Scott

P.S. I'm all for the colony thing.

Scott said...

I know, I know I'm lame for posting 3 reply's but one is just kissing Timmy's white ass. So here is something relavent to make up for it.

If you're really interested in expatriating check this out:

Man, is EVERYONE thinking this? - Scott

Anonymous said...

While it's on the tip of everyone's tounge, let's just take it one step further. Just pool our money and buy our own deserted island. We could name it whatever we wanted, Rob you could run around and pretend to be animated, Tim you could do stand up at the Tiki Lounge at night, we get a tax break if there's a church on the island(hello?). And I suppose Jamie can come along to, we need someone to work the gelato machine.

Anonymous said...

Bon Voyage!
Best wishes, and don't forget to write!

Luv, Your Conservative Republican Friend Breyn =)

Anonymous said...

I'm not even gonna start on the fact that you were watching a television program about ants... But I AM gonna say that these ferocious Bulldog Ants of yours have killed a grand total of 3 people, count 'em THREE. According to [], these ants ". . . are held responsible for three deaths, the latest a Victorian farmer in 1988." Not only have they killed a grand total of three whole people, the last death took place SIXTEEN years ago. Now, if these three deaths are TRULY more than all the deaths caused by "snakes, skarks, spiders, and bears COMBINED, " as you have claimed... then the aforementioned creatures are OBVIOUSLY not doing their jobs.

You're so sweet. I think you are the hottest, not to mention tallest, emo kid I have ever met in my life. And after saying all that, I don't know why I'm with Rob either. Perhaps you could show me new horizons...

You are officially my new favorite person, and I haven't even met you. I think it's awesome that you would visit Rob in his Kiwi House just to see me. You rock.


Rob said...

(Ro's Post)
I feel like I should be troubled by this. Somehow... eh, don't care.

Anonymous said...

Tabitha and Breyn,
You silly mislead conservatives, I am referencing your comments on being communists. You obviously have no grip on the evolution of Government. You see, I don't have time to explain how to works to its fullest extent to your puny intellect, but I will tell you that eventually the evolution of government leads to a socialism. Making that the perfect govenment, if you agree with it or not it irrelevent. That is how it is, and if you don't like it, you should find a way to get to Nazi Germany. The idea behind socialism is to help one another from the bottom up, but seeing as how your are conservative, you like the fact that people get screwed under Bush's policies.
But back to the issue of why Bush is the dumbest President that had ever been put into office, and because of people like you who only use catch phrases and other forms of empty knowlege to judge who is best suited to run the country. Bush was a 'C' student in college. That is a fact, and there is nothing you can do to refute that fact. You are going to let a man who does not have a firm grip on the english language run this country? Much less a person who is dumber than I am?
Bush is keeping the lowered taxes that he proposed for those who are making over $100,000. First off, that does NOT help the middle class, it furthers the wealth gap. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. It also creates a 2.7 Trillion dollar gap in the government's income, and yet he can still afford to support the meaningless war the he is waging. How does he do it? Easy, he creates a defficit like the country has NEVER seen. This war has done ONLY one goo thing. It has taken Sadam out of power. Now Iraq is free to be a democratic country, but nevermind the fact that over 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians were killed, and nevermind that there is so much unrest that elections will not be able to be held this January.
Listen Ladies, if all you can come up with are stupid catch phrases like 'Kerry is a nutjob' to base a vote off of, you need to re-evaluate why you voted for him. If you honestly think that Bush can be a good president, where WERE you for the last four years? Do I think that Bush will be a good president? Hell no. Do I think that the stupidity of people like you will be the death of America? Yes.


Anonymous said...

"You see, I don't have time to explain how to works to its fullest extent to your puny intellect, but I will tell you that eventually the evolution of government leads to a socialism"

Well now, there's a giant, unsustantiated claim that no one need refute. Boy, you made that hard.

"Bush was a 'C' student in college. That is a fact, and there is nothing you can do to refute that fact. You are going to let a man who does not have a firm grip on the english language run this country?"

Wisdom is known by her children. The key to the Bush administration is his policies, regardless of his mostly-irrelevant college GPA. I had a D- GPA in High School, then scored a 27 on my ACT and 96 on the ASVAB. What, pray tell, is your point?

"Bush is keeping the lowered taxes that he proposed for those who are making over $100,000. First off, that does NOT help the middle class, it furthers the wealth gap. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer."

A family making $100,000 is not rich. That's great money if you live in Podunk, don't get me wrong, but that wouldn't pay the rent in Manhattan. The income tax is wrong in principle and execution. Arguing about where the magic number lies as concerns the percentage or the "progressiveness" of the code is irrelevant.

"The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. It also creates a 2.7 Trillion dollar gap in the government's income...."

The government doesn't have an "income". The government doesn't get up every morning and earn a living. The tax-paying people of this country do and then the government takes some. The less that they take, the bottom line being fulfilling it's Constitutional duties, the better.

"yet he can still afford to support the meaningless war the he is waging."

Right, life would be soooo much better with Al-Qaeda and the Baathists (and Hezbolah, and Hamas, and Islamic Jihad, and...) running the Middle East. Please.

"Now Iraq is free to be a democratic country, but nevermind the fact that over 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians were killed...."

Where's the proof? Even if the total Iraqi death toll were 100,000, how many were innocent? I will accept guesses, as long as there is some corraborating evidence. Otherwise, it's another unsubstantiated claim we can throw out.

"If you honestly think that Bush can be a good president, where WERE you for the last four years?"

Here, with lower taxes and a safer world to live in. Where were you?

"Do I think that the stupidity of people like you will be the death of America? Yes."

Yes, it obviously is going to be hell on this country. Save yourself. Take your massive intellect and leave immediately. Don't let the door hit ya' on the way out. :)


Anonymous said...


"A family making $100,000 is not rich. That's great money if you live in Podunk, don't get me wrong, but that wouldn't pay the rent in Manhattan. The income tax is wrong in principle and execution. Arguing about where the magic number lies as concerns the percentage or the "progressiveness" of the code is irrelevant."

It's only irrelevant if you get rid of the income tax, and I don't think Bush is going to do that, even with both houses of Congress and five Supreme Court justices behind him. So long as it's in force, we have to set the boundaries for it. While there are some exceptions (such as Manhattan, although I do wonder how many middle-class families attempt to live there), a family making $100,000 is typically quite well off compared to the median (which ranges from $55,000 - $32,000 based on state, according to the latest census data). So, why should tax cuts go to the wealthiest Americans? I believe trickle-down economic theory was widely discredited in the aftermath of the Reagan Administration, but I was more concerned with G.I. Joe at the time, so forgive me if I'm mistaken. On another point, if you think the income tax is wrong (and I don't necessarily disagree), what would you replace it with? Sales tax is another major contender, but then money is only taxed if it is spent, and the wealthy tend to save more than the poor.

"The government doesn't have an "income". The government doesn't get up every morning and earn a living. The tax-paying people of this country do and then the government takes some. The less that they take, the bottom line being fulfilling it's Constitutional duties, the better."

Well, right now we have a situation where the government is taking in less than the amount it thinks it needs to fulfill its duties. So why did we get a tax cut? Most economists feel that some deficit spending is not a bad thing, and I don't disagree. But there is a limit to how high the deficit can be allowed to go before it becomes a problem, and we're in record territory right now. We're going to be paying the interest on that for a looong time.


Anonymous said...

First off…
Mike…thanks for giving your opinion in a civil and non-insulting manner, very mature debate.

Kris…Ok, the only reason I am responding to this (cuz frankly who cares) is because you had to go and personally insult not only myself but Tabitha as well.
1st of all…you do not know me, you do not know Tabitha so therefore you do not know where we are coming from.

2nd…all of the previous comments that were made in earlier posts (i.e. communist posts) were directed to Robert French who I believe is the sole owner of this blog, not you. Rob and I have a bittersweet love-hate relationship (nothing you know about) and therefore kid back and forth on several things. One happens to be politically since we are polar opposites, however just because this little hairy guy believes differently then me does not mean that I don’t consider him a good friend and am personally attacking him. Rob actually gets that. This is meant to be fun.

3rd…I’m sorry that you can’t seem to control YOUR feelings about this issue when my statements were not directed to you nor anyone else on this blog that may share your beliefs, no one else seemed to come out and attack anyone else for their opinions made to the owner of this site nor did I attack anyone else’s opinions other then Rob’s and if you have an issue with that see my second statement above.

4th…yes I am a woman, I am 23, happily married for the past 2 years, graduated from ISU, I am a prevention specialist (I educate community members and youth on the issues of use and abuse of illegal and legal drugs), I am a Christian, born and raised Roman Catholic, I have friends of many races and nationalities, I have family members of many races, I love my dog as if it were my child, I believe in strong family values, making an honest living, and being a good wife, daughter, friend and neighbor….now you know a little of where I am coming from.

Lastly…I would like to say that I do agree with pretty much everything Adam posted above, not because he is my husband but because I feel he is on the right track. Besides everything he had to say, I’ll give you an idea of why I did NOT vote for Kerry.

I did not vote for Kerry for many reasons…one of which is his past record of voting as a Senator.
2002-YES- to authorize use of forces against Iraq….yet he’s so against this war and says we shouldn’t of been there in the first place.
2003-NO-partial birth abortion ban
1999-YES- that Roe vs. Wade should not be overturned.
1999-NO-that dilation and extraction should NOT be used as a form of abortion.
1998-NO- to prohibiting minors being transported across state lines for abortions to get out of parental consent laws.
1997-NO- to prohibit funds for research on human fetal tissue cells or organs that are obtained from LIVING or dead embryo or fetus DURING or after an induced abortion.
1997-YES- to allow children/teen health insurance to cover abortions.
1999-NO- to increase penalties on drug related crimes, one being dealing drugs to minors and/or near a school.
2003-DID NOT VOTE- to pass a bill that would make it a crime to pander or solicit CHILD PORNOGRAPHY
1999-YES- to kill amendment that would prohibit distribution of violent programming to the public during hours children are likely to watch.
1998-NO- to prohibit creation of cloned human embryos
2001-NO- to pass amendment making $300 billion available for medicare prescription drug benefit.
1996-NO- to bill prohibiting marriage between the same sex federally and that no state is required to recognize same sex marriage performed in other states……yet he CLAIMS to be against same sex marriages.
1998-NO-to authorize $16 billion over 5years to stop the importation of drugs into the U.S.

the list goes on and on and on and half the time he didn’t even vote!

So this is MY “PUNY INTELLECT” telling you how I see it. I’m sorry you can’t have an appreciation for others beliefs and opinions without personally attacking them or being civil about it…that is sad.
And with that I am done arguing politics, get over it.
Matthew 16:26

According to Merriam-Webster:
Pronunciation: 'sO-sh&-"li-z&m
Function: noun
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

Hmmm governmental ownership? No private property? Owned and controlled by the state? Doesn’t sound appealing to me.

Anonymous said...

OUCH! Kris is smacked down by my WIFE! Oooohh....