Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Let's Do This!

Alright, I get off work in 15 minutes... and I have to make a frickin' awesome post to last through the Skanksgiving Break. Pressure is on! Can I handle it? It's gotta be good...

So what to write about, I could do another bitch'n'moan session about how management came out and told us that they were thinking about letting us go early... and then never did! But I doubt you want to hear about that. I could write about how we all went out to Applebee's for Kimmy's Birthday. And that's why I had to work over an hour to make up for that time taking a lunch, and how they forgot to place our order, and our waiter was stoned outta his mind, and my Orange Crispy Chicken Skillet was awesome... but I doubt you want to hear about that as well. SOOoooo...... Instead I'm gonna tell you a little story. Something that came to me on my drive to work today.

For those of you who don't know, Scotty2Hotty is actually a distant cousin of mine. You know the type. One of those Married into the family, don't really go to the same family reunions, second/third removed things on my mom's side that we don't really want to claim anyways. And TimmyTapeworm is my best friends brother, who happens to be a stand-alone decent friend of mine anyways. Well, I just realized that my earliest memory of Scott happens to coincide with my earliest strong memory of Tim. How wierd is that? I bet they won't even know what I'm talking about after I tell it, but I swear its true.

I was probably in Jr. High (putting them in Elementary) and The Ryder (Tim) Family and The French (Me) family went to the Gresham (Scott) Family's house for Halloween Party. It was actually a lot like the ones you see on TV. They had done the attic up like a haunted house, and they had covered bowls that you were suppost to stick you hand in... and the cold spagatti was brains, and Olives were eyeballs, or something like that. It was also my first experience with Dry Ice, but that's a whole other story. Anyways - This Attic Halloween Party was at Scott's house and I'm not so sure I've spoken to him in real life since then. Tim was apparently forced to go along, and not enjoying it one bit. This was during Tim's awkward stage. I mean, the boy was smarter than most of the adults in the room and it made him a bit shy or something. It wasn't very many years later that he discovered he could use this keen intellitect for the good of humor, and could make people laugh by simply pointing out how dumb others could be. Anyways, sorry for bring up that story Tim, but its good to remember our awkward, antisocial roots. We all love you.

Well that wasn't really the great post I was hoping for.... Dammit... I always crack under pressure. Well, I can leave you with a quote if nothing else, and if at least 5 people complain about this post sucking, I'll make a new one over break, deal? Here's Scott's quote, good luck guys.

"Disturbing the peace? I got pushed out of a window! Tell me something, what's the charge for getting pushed out of a moving car, huh? Jaywalking?"


Anonymous said...

hey.. ill be the first one to post a comment and so i can win this contest thing that ive been tryin to get to~!!
one problem though.. i dont really know what movie thats from and.... yup, there you go, i just googled it ... hehehe.. so i guess that just disqualifies me.. great!
anywho, hope thanksgivin is great rob.. the snow here is awesome!!!! i think imma go make myself a snowman!
talk to you later!

Scott said...

Dude, I remember that party. It was Katie Groppel's idea, and her mom made her invite Tim because she wanted her to marry him. Oh how things work out...poorly. I don't exactly remember you specifically, but I remember a group being there with Timmy who you were with. Although I do recall Tim looking very akward and out of place. One note though, it was in the attic of my garage, not my house. Other than that, awesome recollection.

The only other time that I think we've come into contact in real life was at Tim's graduation party...if you were there. Pretty sure you were, and you mentioned how Tom doesn't like you. Heh heh, me either. Then the last time (this one I'm sure) we met was at Dairyland this summer. You said something about your apperance and I said something like you kinda look like Orlando Bloom. (And in my head I said "but poorer"). But for sho' I saw you there.

Wow, I guess I haven't been keeping this "Rob Log" in vein. How about that! I'm surprised nobody's gotten my quote yet (even Rob), it's not that obscure. I just saw it the other day and it was fresh in my mind. Here's a hint you said the "pressure is on" but you should have been thinking "the heat is on." Ok, it's a crappy hint. Better than nothing!

Well, I better stop writing now. I don't want my reply becomming longer than the post itself. Happy Thanksgiving people - Scott

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Oh man...I definitely didn't remember that party until you mentioned that it was organized by the Groppels. In retrospect, I'm surprised the Groppels had anything to do with Halloween. It's not normally their type of thing to endorse a heathen, devil-supporting holiday. Did they really want me to marry Katie? Yeah, that worked out. On a side note, everything Josh and I see or hear Mrs. Groppel mentioned, we look at each other and say, "Heathen..." in a menacing tone. It's a great running gag.

Yeah, I was a huge dork when I was younger. I fully admit it. There was a large stretch of time when I simply didn't talk. And I don't mean that as in I didn't talk in class. No, I mean I didn't talk. To ANYONE. I refer to it as my "Silent Bob" period. Good thing I outgrew that and learned how to tick people off with my talking. And also, I hate haunted houses. I was such a wuss (and am still), I probably got freaked out by the spaghetti and peeled grapes in a bowl.

Heartwarming story, Rob. Thanks for that. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.

Rob said...

Well, I'm glad that even though I've lost most of my blogging audience over the last few days, I was able to add another layer to the relationship that is the three of us. Speaking of bringing together...

Scott, I vaguely remember some smack talk given out a while back... before I knew who you were, reguarding a particular Super Smash Brothers Melee (I could add Mario Kart and Tennis to the list). I may be a little rusty since graduation... but bring it buddy. Not wanting to post cell phone info on the blog for the whole wide world to see, get my info from Tim. Or maybe some Labrynth/Monster Squad/something party this Christmas break.

Happy Turkey Day all.
Go be with your families.

Scott said...

Rob, while I ususally hate to badly beat a relative I'm totally game for this. I really need to teach you to fear Link. Aside from Yoshi, he is the most fearsome Super Smasher of them all. I've also got the Mario Tennis down pretty well.

And as far as the Labrynth/Monster Squad/Something goes, I'm down for that too. I'll hit up Tim for the digits, it's probably wise not to publish them on the internet. I've gotten some strange ass calls... Ok, back to turkey and wine (I forsee myself asleep very soon...). Happy Thanksgiving all - Scott

Anonymous said...

Aaaawwwwwww.... you had a moment with your boyfriends. I'm so happy for the three of you. You all must have really good memories, I'm impressed.
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

Pffft. Super Smash Bros. Melee is for kids. While I do enjoy it occasionally, I'm more a fan of Soul Caliber 2 for GC. Namely because, well, like Scotty, I prefer to put the smack down with Link. It's always an enjoyable experience to layeth the smacketh down on your foes with the sword, beating them within an inch of their lives. But what is even more priceless is then backing off, giving them a shred of hope, only to erase it all by launching an arrow accross the screen to beat them completely. The look on their faces after that one is priceless. Yes, I am that cruel.
