Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Get US Out!!!

Alright, another Tuesday... another day I want to beat my head against something sharp. Why, you may ask? We got 4000 pieces of mail today. If that doesn't sound like a lot to you, get your head checked. We have to sort the envelopes by State and Type, and count them, and then open them and sort them more specifically, and then count them, and then enroll them. and there's 4 of us. We may get all of them open and sorted today, but that's really a lie.

What's really frustrating, is that we had 4 temporary employees let go yesterday. And "The Powers That Be" have decided that no overtime is allow this week. So, it'd be nice if TPTB would walk over here and see how we are DROWNING in mail. I didn't even go on my morning break today - that's right, ME the Diligant worker. And now we hear that TPTB are going to start checking our numbers and try and start hounding us on how we're working... our responce - "eh..." Its awesome. Of the 4 of us who do all the mail and enrollments in this forsaken company, 3 of us really don't give a shit if we get fired. And I whole-heartedly mean that. Would not care in the slightest. I mean, we get managed as if we were just numbers on a page. As if this was a company of 500 people... not 20. Seriously, it's all f'd up. If you want to know what it's like, just look up the defination for "micromanage" on the internet.

But I'm glad I can always turn to my mail for a smile. If I've ever down, there's always an uplifting message, or a few words of wisdom for me within these little treasures. Like today, I got "The UN is NOT your friend!" Oh, and when I said "makes me smile," I meant "makes me hate mankind." What kind of moron believes that UN wants to start a world religion that is some obscure neo-hippie-love-the-earth b.s. If a world religion was going to be pushed, I guarentee it would be Christianity or Islam. You know something with a following of +2 Billion People as is and spread thoughout the globe. But if the morons didn't buy the "religion" line. The threw in the obligitory "They're gonna take your guns" line. That's sure to get 'em. Did I mention it was a pro-Bush advertisement that this came in? "Which do you want? Kerry's UN or Bush's America!" I guess that makes a little more sense...

I'm off to find something sharp.


Anonymous said...

Wow rob, you sound really depressed today, no good! Check out entensity.net or something to find something funny!! You know its not healthy to complain all the time! You should find something positive about your job each day, it might be hard...but it might work!! Anyways i'm off to work myself!! Bye, Jamie

Anonymous said...

Now we have to move back into the trailer the musical chairs continue (except one person they are so lucky) as Rob calls it the hell hole. Well, it is because it looks like a dump now since we've left and we haven't been gone that long. I like to know where exactly we are going to be sorting our mail? Our table has been taken over by tubs of empty mailers. I personally prefer to just stay in the call center until (whenever the workers finish our new space) so we don't have to keep moving around. It makes more since for us to stay in one spot we have more space to do our sorting of the mail, more space to do enrollments, better climate control (for me)it doesn't stink like the (hell hole does) and we all have space to breathe we are not all jammed up in together where somebody sneezes and they always sneeze on you! very unhealthy in that trailer. Hey! I guess they don't want to pay out the extra money for renting space until we move in our new home. Is that our problem that our home isn't ready yet? This one is for Ro those were some darling sweet pictures of you and Rob that he brought in to work today the both of you look so cute together.


Anonymous said...

awwww... i know how you could cheer yourself up.. watch some seinfeld :)
i just did.. although i could be doin so much more...
so jerrys datin this dermatologist and george is thinkin up ways for him to bring her down.. he goes "shes a dermatologist, thats like one step away from workin at the clinique counter!!"
hehehhe... i thought it was funny.. im sorry if youre not a seinfeld fan.. i absolutely love it and think its brilliant.. hehehe
or if nothin else, watch the "daily show with jon stewart'. HILARIOUS!!!!
i really dont watch a lot of TV.. actually thats really ALL i watch.. i lead a sad sad life.. oh well..

Scott said...

SYLLABICATION: mi·cro·man·age
TRANSITIVE VERB: To direct or control in a detailed, often meddlesome manner.

There, you don't have to look up the definition now. And yeah, that sounds like crap. In fact, it kind of makes working at Initech sound like winning on The Apprentice. I mean, at least at Initech you can flake out and get promotions. Here you're pigeon holed into mail sorting. Can you even listen to music?

Oh yeah, and the UN can have my gat when they pry it from my cold dead hands. I hate those damn scare tactics. Don't vote for Kerry he'll take our guns! Nobody can do those kind of things, there's too many people who aren't on board, so why worry? Come on people, that would be like regulating sex on TV. It sounds like a good idea, but no one wants it. - Scott

Anonymous said...

Wow I missed a couple of days.
Rob maybe it is time for you to get a real job and not a temp job at such a brutal company.. Now speaking of brutal about the interview with Ro. STOP HITTING HER! What did I tell you?

To Ro: I think you are a wonderful person and maybe Rob doesn’t deserve you unless he
can clean act like a gentle man. I never raised him to be physical, as a matter of fact in our home it was forbidden for Rob and Jamie to touch each other if they were angry. Totally unacceptable! I suggest Ro that you get into some Martial Arts class also and
kick his ass, Yes that came from his mother.

For all of those people that have known Rob over the years, maybe your callus to his
sharp sarcastic tongue and for those of you that have only known him for a short time, GET OUT!

I agree with Josh about your format Rob. Doing interviews is very entertaining and enlightening..

Lisa I don’t want him taken out, just shaken up a bit but nothing that I would have to do wound care on.


Anonymous said...

Alright, I've finally taken the time to look over this blog and I shall give my verdict on it. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it great? Is it Latvian? Is it groin-grabbingly good?

Obviously, for such a complex question (i.e. what do I think of this blog), there are no simple answers. Only simple idiots. Take Rob, for instance. He is very comparable to the candy known as the Whopper. Sure, it looks good on the outside, as it is merely chocolate, but the inside is filled with a venomous crap that makes you want to puke... almost as much so as knowing we have a pinhead in office for another four years. But that's another story. This post is merely to relay my hatred and loathing for one Rob French.

It all starts roughly 23 years ago. Like most children, Rob was born.

Then a lot of crap happened in the next 20-or-so years, and we won't be getting into that. This is a period of time known as the "I-didn't-know-Rob-yet" years. Mostly unimportant stuff occurred during this time, like him missing the bus for school, losing a fight to a pogo stick, and countless hours of him watching the Smurfs.

This era cleanly evolved into the next era, the "I-knew-Rob-French-during-this-era" Era. This era featured a lot of crying on Rob's behalf, in part because he once got stuck in a broom closet for nearly two hours, but mostly because Tang was now almost impossible to find on supermarket shelves. And who could blame him? Never has there been, nor will there again be another utterly crappy beverage that is synonymous with the female genitalia.

Now then, Rob was an adventurous little monkey, and so he went on his never-ending quest to find some Tang. Rob faced many hardships during this quest. His rations were low, he didn't have much of the generally accepted currency (Rob liked to barter with store clerks, usually by offering them young children he would apprehend in the store's parking lot), and this was during the period when he was lost in the broom closet, hence hindering his mission for two hours.

His never-ending quest ended approximately 13 hours after emerging (narrowly with his life) from said closet. It turned out his neighbor had Tang, so he stole it.

However, Rob's list of dispicable traits goes much beyond just the Tang incident. There were numerous moments that involved Rob where you would simply shake your head and only hope he'd straighten things out. For instance, he claims he never drinks... lest he forgets to mention the time he drank nearly a pint of varnish. The night ended with him at a church playing Bingo with old folks, and every time after a number was drawn, he'd exclaim "Heavens! I am the crotchless rip!" He spent nearly three hours in a local jail waiting to be bailed for his actions.

Now, I don't claim to be a short man by any means. In all actuality, I'm nearly sevan-and-a-half feet tall. But I do want you to think hard and justly the next time you see Rob French and you DON'T take a swing at him. He exudes every characteristic that is deemed negative by mankind. His hygiene is far from acceptable. And he still owes me $3.

Thank you for your time.

Rob's Mother

Anonymous said...

Alias there is an imposture on this blog! How malicious could one person be?This human being impersonating a mother is totally be on any conscious level of parenthood. This is not me. Most of you that post on here know me. At saying that, you know I love my kids no matter what. Now Rob may not be the perfect friend, I will give you that, but he is the nearest to perfect son I have. (Now, ummmmm, I have one son, nothing to compare him to????) Yea I will stick with that statement. I am not going to address the entire incident listed in the impostures comment, I just really wanted him to know I read this and I don’t
have the same opinion. Nor am I am man…. Nor am I 7 ½ feet tall……..

The real Mom