Friday, November 19, 2004

"The System is Down."

Alright, so I went to comment on yesterday's post and typed it all up twice. Once I accidently closed it, when I meant to minimize and once I accidentally Logged Out instead of Submitting... it's just one of those days. So here's the summary: I find it funny that the same reasons that Jimmy Buffet fans give for liking him, are the same as the reason I can't stand him. Seriously "Let's Get Drunk and Screw" and "Cheeseburger in Paradise," give me a break. Secondly, I couldn't believe that a random won the quote contest... Congrats GatorBoy. Now the rule that I'm going to make right now, is that you can't win twice in a row. So Gator is ineligable for today's but can try again on Monday, if you decide to become a regular. Anyways, Today's 80's Quote Quiz! Remember, no googling, first to name the movie and something about the scenerio (mainly to prove you didn't just google it), and Gator can't guess.

"What's all this??"
"This? This is ice. This is what happens to water when it gets too cold. This? This is Kent. This is what happens to people when they get too sexually frustrated"

So, for today's actual content... "The System is Down."
Here's the problem with structure and having a system. Then everyone just tries to get around it. New Boss here is more worried about numbers and things coming out right on paper than she is with being realistic. And so I know that as long as the numbers come out right... we don't have to worry about anything. Now, under old management, the boss was always talking to us, checking in with us, asking about our weekend and such. And it wasn't just idle chitchat... it was legitamite conversation. He gave us respect and I had a great deal of respect for him. I worked hard because I didn't want him to be disappointed. New management however... not so much. I really feel that we are all simply numbers and therefore, I really don't care too much. Let that be a lesson to all you future managerial-types out there. High morale is more important than that mysterious email that tells us that we took a 16-minute break (1 minute over) last Tuesday.

Ok, I swear, next week = FRICKIN' AWESOME POSTS! No gripes, no BS, just quality material. Thanks for hanging in there for me. I'll tell you what, tell me what previous posts you liked, and which ones you didn't... let me know so I can cater to YOUR needs. But for now, I'm out like a porch light in the ghetto.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm....I'm seeing that dumb actor yeah, Val Kilmer, right and there's a skinny nerd dude that I don't think I've seen in anything else, and a dorm room, right? It's Real Genius, but I don't remember the scene exactly, so I'll forfeit the prize to the person who can remember it better.

And now that we've gotten that out of the way. You're so right about being a "number." But, another thing to remember is that even though previous manager was my buddy before, he now barely graces me with his presence. Then again, that may be because he has to rush past me to get to the back of the room to talk to the blonde with the low-cut v-neck....

~Old Trailer Cupcake

PS - Thanks for the present, "homey." ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes! about the manager topic we will be moving in to our new home very soon that is the good news. The bad news is that she has already given us a seating chart. Come on we are not children in grade school where the teachers has to asign seats to keep an eye on the students. Please, I believe that first come first serve is a good thing we are all adults.


Anonymous said...

Having been repeatedly chastised for not goes nothing. By the way Rob, I get plenty of scoldings for taking 31 minute lunch breaks, and not including everyone in after-business-hours-type plans...I really don't need any grief from the punk (yes, I said punk) sitting across the folding table from me. Thanks.

Uhm. Obviously, I missed out on the seating chart fun!! Now I have to wait all weekend to find out what dark corner I'll be stuck in...drat. Hey, how about those waffles today, huh? What a great place we work, where they'll nit-pick you over the most trivial issues, and allow you absolutely no freedom of personal expression, but we have FORCED "food days" every month. Gee, what a morale booster, eh?

I must also say that I am honored to have been mentioned in the 80's movie thingie. "Heathers" was indeed a fabulous movie, and undoubtedly resulted in a surge in Corn Nuts sales for a brief period. I'm a bit late in my response, but I feel obligated to name a few of my other favorites from that era: "The Outsiders" ruled, "Shag" is one nobody has probably ever heard of, and who could forget "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"???

OK, my dog wants attention...enough of this blog stuff.


Anonymous said...

the girl is right. the movie is real genius. but here is the scene. val kilmer "chris" and the new kid gabe jarret "mitch" are in the hallway of their dorm Making fun of "kent" about jello and being nude while he wants to make micthes brain into mush. and the asian kid filled the hallways with ice. here is a new quote for someone.

"Wait, I have and idea- Slick Shoes!"
"Slick Shoes? No!"