Tuesday, November 23, 2004

"Been Caught Stealing, Once When I Was Five..."

Alright, since Scotty seemed incapable of coming up with a quote to consummate his victory - I'm just gonna have to do it for him. Way to go, Scott.
"He'll keep calling me.
He'll keep calling me until I come over.
He'll make me feel guilty.
This is uh... This is ridiculous,
ok I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go.
What-- I'LL GO.
Alright gang, have fun with that one. And The magic word for today is "Stealing." So you all know what to do when you hear someone say the magic word, right? No, not get busted for indecent exposure and send your already sad career down the toilet... anyways, here's your education for the day:
Robbery Foiled When
Bandits Can't Figure Out How To Open Door

Man cuts off thieving teens' penises
Common Ways Students Cheat on Exams
Judge Gives Lasagna Thief 40 Years
Thief smelled out

Alright, so there you go. Don't steal. I hope I helped all of you waste some precious time, as I had wasted gathering these up. I'm still sick, but I'm trying to provide... cut me some slack.


Anonymous said...

Oooh Oooh I know this quote!! It's from one of the best movies of all time... Ferris Bueller's Day Off! Cameron is sitting in his car debating on whether or not to go and pick up Ferris at his house so they can get Sloan out of school. Yay! :)

I have to admit that I have used the "5 Finger Discount" back in the day, silly stuff that kids want but their parents usually say no to...candy, toys, people's wallets,anything that looks fun and interesting, packs of grape bubblicious that when your mom finds out you took it from the store makes you take it back and apologize to the store manager...you know stuff like that. That's my criminal background.

(yes I did steal someone's wallet at one point, again i got caught, gave up the habit for lack of being good at it and tired of the humiliation of having to apologize to the victim.)


Scott said...

Rob-o-tron, Forgetting to post the quote (which was actually pretty good once I thought about it for awhile) was the least of the things I forgot to do yesterday. I had a newspaper meeting I forgot to go to, I had a robot I'm programming for school that I nearly left in Jerseyville, and I forgot that I had rotting meat in my trash can before I went home for the weekend. So I'm sorry I didn't post on your blog, I was too busy neglecting other important things.

But fear not, for I am now here. Man, I'd have to say that having your penis cut off for ANY reason is far worse than a death sentence. In fact, if that happened to me I think I'd undergo a self inflicted death sentence. Right after I send the penis ectomy-er to meet their maker.

The quote my good man, is from Ferris Bueller's day off. Though didn't quite capture Cameran(Cameron?)'s shit. Which I really like. It's kind of a snakey 'sssshit'. It's when Ferris is laying the pressure on him to cut out of class. Gotta love Ferris, mostly because he reminds myself of a young me. Anyway for winning the contest twice do I get some kind of awesome prize, awesomer than winning just once? How about I just post a quote:

"Disturbing the peace? I got pushed out of a window! Tell me something, what's the charge for getting pushed out of a moving car, huh? Jaywalking?"

Don't post the answer until he puts it up on the wednesday post. Or I'll have to use another. Word, I'm off to post some substandard crap on my blog too - Scott

Scott said...

Damn it Breyn. If only I had typed faster. And thought less on my response. I would have won! Fortunately I saved the Ultra 80's quote, it's from a movie very dear to me. In fact, me and my brother wore out the Jerseyville Movie Mart copy. Obviously I can't say what right now, but if you want a quote I'll hit you up. - Scott

Anonymous said...

I am a good girl, never stole nothing....but cheating on tests was another story! My method of choice was to write all my notes BIG...then open my note book during the test, lay it on the floor, cover it with my book, and move the book with my foot when I needed some help. This worked best on Spanish tests and math tests.

I enjoy 80's movies...I use to love the one with Val Kilmer, but completely forgot about it until your blog refreshed my memory! Thanks a bunch Rob!

I must admit though, I was only 7 1/2 when the 80's ended....so I really didn't get to enjoy them too much! I loved the early 90's, which was basically a cary over of the 80's....so I guess that works!

Way to go Breyn! I know you have that movie memorized!

Rob, just wanted to thank you for your blog...it gives me a few minutes every day to find one more way to avoid actually working!


Anonymous said...

Dear Rob,

I like this random linking, but I think I like it better on http://www.somethingawful.com , WHERE IT BELONGS!



Scott said...

How delightfully ironic that your post is about stealing, and mine is...endorsing the product so to speak? I'm sorry I ganked the 80's quote game. You're right, my bad. It's your thing, not mine. And who's to say that my quotes were so great that even in anger you had to give them props. Oh, I guess we both did. How about that...

Anyway, any and all 80's (and I'll throw in early 90's for free) quotes go to your blog and only your blog. Because it's magnificent. (Happy?)

Moving right along...things I've stolen:
Road Signs
A Car
(the keys and wallet I found in the pants, which I used on the car)
Ummm, glances?
But the pants, keys, wallet, and eventually car all got back to the friend they belonged to. So, its all good. So I'm not all that bad - Scott