Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Pride Can Be a Good Thing... Unless You're Tim

So we know that taking pride in one's work is good, right? Well, that is unless your "work" is now 209 squares and over 33,000 points. Tim is getting frickin' unbearable. If I had the time and energy to devote, I'd knock him off his high horse in no time... I'm debating practicing at home. Anyways - I am permentantly extending the Squares Challenge to the masses, let's see what you got. Even if it's no where near Tim's. Frankly, eBaumsworld is bragging about a 18,000 point highscore, so Tim is blowing them away.

Also quick story. I had a "Bush Sucks" icon on my desktop... and a particular member of upper managment saw it and claimed that we weren't allowed to have "political statments" on our desktop... well, he says this as he's throwing around his own weight in Pro-Bush B.S. and even pulls out the "Besides, you're not gay are you?" Isn't it great that homophobia is such a driving force in our country, nothing worse than the thought of dudes kissing. Anyways. Since I can't make "political statments" at work, and I didn't want to argue with upper management... I got rid of my little picture. Oh yeah, and I replaced it with a gay pride sticker. Nice Rainbow flag with a pink triangle in the middle. So many people think that calling you gay is the worst thing they can think of... eh, I could care less. GO GAY PRIDE!!! Down with GayHaters! and... I'm done. Sorry, it builds up sometimes.

Anyways, that's my lecture on pride today. The 80's Quote will be posted soon via the comments section... won't it josh. Alright, I'm going back to flamboyantly sorting the mail.


Anonymous said...

You go with your flamboyant gay self! I bet you look just like a ballerina sorting that mail. You and Anne can be best friends, now that you're a flamboyantly gay man. (Way to stick it to the Man, by the way.)


Anonymous said...

Alright, Alright, geeze. Here's your silly 80's quote, which, I would have to say comes from one of my personal favorites:

"Ooh. Her pants are blazing for you, Newton Crosby."
"Will you grow up?"

There, and once you figure this out, take a look at the Oscar winning cast and tell me why this instant classic isn't timeless. Umm, maybe it's the technology?

Anonymous said...

Does Mom F know that you're potentially gay again? You don't want her to have to ask your friends to find out...

Maybe we can scrapbook next time I'm home.


PS - How's your paper coming, Ro?

Anonymous said...

Gay? I remember a time when I asked you if you would like to use the car for a date sometime? I believe it was junior year of high school... I only asked because you had never had a date at that point. You replied to me, "Mom don't worry I'm not gay". So even way back then...... We may have to get an intervention together and see if we can shake this thing. Ro do you want to help? Lisa I know I can count on you..... Rob, we'll talk. Love you unconditionally Mom

Anonymous said...

Is the worldwide symbol for gayness the rainbow with a pink triangle? Hmmmm...that explains all the chicks that have been waving wildly at me lately on the highway. I just thought it was pretty!

Gay or not, I'm still a Rob fan.

~Burning Trailer Smell