Thursday, November 11, 2004

Endorsements and Sponsors

I don't drink coffee. I drink tea. Not just any tea mind you... TWININGS of London. Blended by no other than R. Twining & Co in London, England. On the top of each package it says "By appointment to her majesty Queen Elizabeth II..." This is the OFFICAL tea of London, the OFFICAL country of tea. And now I'm thinking, why haven't I endorsed anything yet? I mean, I'm an influential individual within some circles. As small and mostly fictitious as they may be.

So now the question presents itself, on what or whom do I bestow my blessing? Most of the good products are already taken, and the ones that aren't, no one wants.

The Incredibles? Awesome flick. McDonald's is already on that boat however. I've got Elasti-girl's action figure on my monitor right now. Besides, currently The Incredibles is still on Disney's ticket. And everyone knows that there's that one scene in the Lion King. When Simba flops down and the leaves all blow up into the sky. And they spell out "Worship Satan" or "Kill You Parents" or "Vote Bush" or some ridiculous shit like that. And I could never endorse a product associated with that.

So I think I made my decision... Rob's Office Space and Rob French will now, in front of the whole wide internet. Will endorse "John Stewart." I have started watching every episode of The Daily Show as well as buying his book. (one of my favorite parts is the "Color by Number Senate." It has a painting of the first Senate, as well as a 2003 photograph. Then all the faces are empty outlines with a "1" in them. Key at bottom reads "1 = White") I do have Tim to thank for initially showing me that shining beacon of light that is John Stewart via his own site. And now I reach out to all of you. Rob says John Stewart is, "Good Stuff."

The Daily Show


Rob said...

P.S. Everyone should feel free to post thier own personal endorsements!

Timmy Tapeworm said...
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Timmy Tapeworm said...

If, at the end of my life, I can say nothing more than that I turned one person onto The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (no H, moron), well...that would be pretty sad, actually. But I feel pretty special now. I definitely second your endorsement of Mr. Jon Stewart. He helps me make sense of this crazy messed-up world.

I would also like to give my endorsement to HyVee brand Justice League Fruit Rolls. Because if anything can make the house brand of Fruit-Roll Ups cool, it's a cartoon team of superheroes. Hey, it reeled me in.

Finally, I would like to wholeheartedly endorse Seth Cohen on "The O.C." Although the show on the whole is amazing, Seth Cohen is obviously its heart. Plus, his obsession with comic books and Death Cab for Cutie have finally given a voice to emo-geeks everywhere. Seth Cohen, from those about to wear thick, black rimmed glasses while wearing small black T-shirts and hoodies while playing X-Men Legends and listening to The Postal Service, we salute you!

Yeah, I just endorsed not one, but two Jewish men. (Well, Cohen's half-Jewish. He celebrates Chrismukkah.) But you're the gay one. Not me. Moron.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Yeah, I decided my original post needed some punch-up. That's the level of dedication I'm bringing to this endeavor. And also the level of boredom today at work.

Anonymous said...

ummmm.. Rob?
yeah that ones taken already.. no im pretty sure.. i know that i have it... if youd like to see some official paperwork, i can arrange to mail that to you.. although i dont know if you wanna see any more mail than u do already!
so yeah.. try again!
(i bet you try to cheat at monopoly too, u always seemed like that kinda guy!)
- Nida

Timmy Tapeworm said...

By the way, how was Smallville last night? I saw the promos. It looked pretty stinking hot. I almost watched because of the hotness alone.

Anonymous said...

Smallville is ALWAYS hot, thanks to naked Tom Welling and semi-naked Lana Lang. So you have no excuse to not watch it.

And Twinings Earl Grey Tea rocks. Actually, I've never had it. But I have the tin sitting on my desk... with green tea inside of it.


Anonymous said...

Honestly, Tim, do you do anything at school? For all of this posting nonsence I see no evidence of your scholastic career. It's just that you've responded nine times on this single post and didn't call your only brother on his birthday? Sniffle, it's alright, I can do it on my own Lil'Brudder.

Seriously, Josh Ryder would like to take the time to publicly endorse acoustic brother rock, the Greek language, kickball, rock climbing and anything dumb that might come as a result of climbing, emo, Punky Brewester, Ender's Game, and most importantly the big JC.
I will not be endorsing: dislocation of major bodily joints, the Hebrew language, and form of higher math, and scary Letter People episodes.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the world has enough endorsement in the Chaps industry (and no I'm not refering to Ralph Lauren). I would whole heartedly endorse chaps, they are a very sexy and almost kinky extension to the everyday wardrom. The sleek and sophistication of leather with the breathability and easy access of denim (if you so choose to actually wear jeans underneath hehe). I think every guy should have a pair, along with a sexy Harley Davidson of course.

Correction...every guy who actually has a butt should have one. Sorry Rob but that excludes your concave behind.

Do you think if I bought Adam a pair for Christmas he would wear them?? He has a nice apple of a hynie hhmmm kinky :)

"Save a horse, ride a cowboy!" ~Big & Rich

Rob said...

Josh - Your post made me decide to give points to all my commentors. And you have taken the cake this time! I give you one point each for mentioning "rock climbing," "kickball," "The Letter People" and "Ender's Game." The Homestar Reference gets you 3 points, you get a bonus point 'cause of your 24th Birthday, and finally (since he's being a jerk today) you get 2 points for bashing on Tim. Which brings your total to... A Lot.

Ro - You get a point for saying "naked," "Lana Lang" and a bonus point for using them together. But I'm afraid you lose one for being a Tea-Poser. So you get... Not Last Place.

Nida - Yes I want to see this paperwork! Who's got dibs on Jon Stewart already? Your gonna have to present me with some more evidence before you start throwing around accusations. And yes, I cheat at everything I play (never let me be the banker). You get: 2nd To Last.

Tim - Tim, Tim Tim... You get 5 points for introducing me to JON. And you lose two for calling me a moron (It's my blog, I do what I want). A point for anything to do with "superheros." And every retro throwback you used in the next paragraph is null and void because it had to deal with being emo. And for that you lose 3 points. If you've got a problem with that - why don't you just go journal about it, cause I don't care. And to top it all off, you lose 2 points for cross blogging. That's a term I'm coining right now for statements made referencing a post on a totally different blog with no explaination. That puts you in the negatives, and gets you: Worst Prize.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

What?! (interrobang) Bogus! I think cross blogging is the blog equivalent of an inside joke, Rob. As such, they should not be reviled. They deserve to be celebrated for the sense of exclusivity and elitism they inspire. I mean, look at what I just did with the interrobang reference. That's fun, right? Don't you feel special for knowing about that from the beginning? You got in on the ground floor of that funny train. ( that a mixed metaphor? Trains don't really have ground floors, per se. Ah, screw it.)

Besides, Josh did the same thing in his endorsements, you just don't know it. The bit about rock climbing? Inside joke. Acoustic brother rock? Inside acoustic brother joke. (It's the next big genre, by the way. Look out.) Scary Letter People episodes? Well, that's just a universal truth. That was dark and creepy for ANY show. For a kids show, it was traumatizing.'s the point of this response. Punky Brewster is awesome.

Rob said...

Someone sounds like a sore loser.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Shut up, Rob. Not like I care about your stupid points...


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh............... you boys!!!!!!!!!!!!! M

Scott said...

A day late, a dollar short and I miss this FRIGG'N GEM of a post!!! Damn it, so many good comments. But now the time has past. I'm just writing this to express how mornful I am over the opportunity passing.

Although the hotness of the last Smallville is equalled only by that thickburger commercial with the girl on the mechanical bull. Now THAT's hot. - Scott

Anonymous said...

I, Trevor, hereby endorse the coolest cartoon ever in the 80's, Voltron: Defender of the Universe. They really do need to start pumping out DVDs of this series, so I can snatch them up. I'm probably gonna get loads of negative points from saying this, but I don't really think Jon Stewart is all that funny. Ill take Dennis Miller, and especially George Carlin for my irreverent political humor.
