Monday, November 08, 2004

The Interview

Alright Ro, State your full name:
Rowela Rhea Quiaoit
Woah, that's a mouthful... or at least a lot of vowels. There's a story behind your name, is there not?
Yes there is. My parents made up my first name. My dad's name is Robert and my mom's name was Teofila. They took the first part of my dad's name, "Ro" and the last part of my mom's name, "la" and combined them with a "we" in the middle. And instead of pronouncing it with a long "E," it's a short E
Right... So your dad's name is Robert, that's pretty sweet. So is mine!
Wow, look at that. We have a connection
Well, it's nice to see you have such a strong name, Robert.
And your two siblings, Kris and Anne... Can you tell us a little bit about them?

Anne is 16 years old. She's a junior in high school. She's involved in the speech team and dance. Ever since joining the speech team she has become incredibly theatre. I like to call her a flamboyantly gay man.
And Kris is 21 years old. He is a junior at Illinois State University, where I go to school as well. As of this year he has become an overachiever. He actually studies for tests now, and he helped me cheat on a test. And I am proud to say that I got a 97% on it.

Is it true he can be a real dick?
Of course. He tried to kill me when we were younger. He told me we were going to play a game called "Astronaut." He put a Jewel bag over my
head and closed it at my throat. He said, "Ok, you're the astronaut!" and ran away.
Yep. That's my boy! Lets see: "Family... check"
Now lets get to know Ro, the person. What are your Hobbies?

Hobbies... well, I love to dance. From 6th grade to senior year of high school I took ballet. My senior year I also took lyrical, jazz, tap and hip-hop. The last two I was horrible at. I miss it now though, the dance classes don't really fit with my class schedule.
This year I also started a recycling program on my floor. And I have gone through many a floormates garbage can for the sake of the environment.

Ahh.. so you're an Eco-Freak.
Of course. The smell of month old rotting garbage couldn't keep me away from the recyclables.
What's your favorite Movie right now?
My favorite movie right now would have to be... The Incredibles. I watched it this weekend and it was AWESOME! I wish I had super powers! I went with my brother Kris, his girlfriend Ashely, my boyfriend, Mandy and Earl.
Your boyfriend, eh? What kinda guy is he?
Well, he has some of the characteristics of an abusive boyfriend. He's controlling, always telling me what to do. He yells at me when I talk to other boys. He hits me too, and then tells me he doesn't mean it... I don't know. He kind of scares me, but I'm scared he might do something if I bring it up. He gets... emotional... He can be really sweet sometimes... but other times... he really scares me. He's taking Taekowndo lessons right now and he's getting very good at it... I'm afraid he might hurt me.
Man, So if he's such a bad person... why are you still with him?
It's like I said, he gets emotional... and with these Taekwondo lessons... I'm afraid of what he's gonna do. He punched me yesterday... it didn't really hurt, but he said he wasn't even hitting me hard.
Well, I may have some good news for you. I'm aware of a fellow blogger, who has been speaking quite highly of you as of late. Not only that, but he's 6'9" and took TaeKwonDo himself. A intellectual gentleman by the name of: Timmy Tapeworm. Were you aware of this?
I have heard about it yes. And I have met the Timmy Tapeworm in question. I am extremely flattered by the whole thing. I think it's very sweet, and I haven't felt that special in a long time. My only concern is.... I have heard... rumors of course... that he has a single strand of foot long nipple hair. I don't like to believe in rumors, and this one sounds particularly freakish, so it can't possibly be true. But, if it were... that's vile.
Alright! Well Rob's Office Space, being a respectable blog, does not condone the spreading of any rumors. So it is important for all of it's readers to know that this is purely speculation. But if found to be true, remember, you heard it here first! And on that note, I think this is a great opportunity to run out of time. I would like to thank my guest, Rowela Quiaoit for joining me...
Thank you for having me. This was a wonderful experience.
I'll see you all tomorrow, same blog time, same blog channel. Goodnight Everybody.


Rob said...

And since this is a slightly different post: there is a slightly different comments section too. You can still leave comments exactly like you normally would, but in addition to that you may also want to ask Ro your own questions. This is a good, "Gettting to Know Ro" Session. I devoted this to Ro because she was coming up more and more often as a topic of conversation. So here she is: Fire away!

Rob said...

Oh yeah, one more thing:
Worst Girlfriend... ever.

Anonymous said...

My jaw dropped numerous times and I laughed aloud at well, pretty much everything. If there were some Blog award I would have to toss it Rob and Ro's way. Partly to Ro for just putting up with that wirery freak. Maybe the Bloggy? I like that and I'm sticking with it.
I'll be presenting the Bloggy from now on to whomever I want(which is pretty much Tim and Rob, on alternating days)
Fantastic blog.
Step 2: May I propose such a step as a series of interviews and then publishing them both? Might I suggest Tim interviews Rob and vice versa? Discuss.

Anonymous said...

Ro - If you feel that you're in an abusive relationship, get out! You're not alone, and you don't have to take it. My advice: have a friend beat this "boyfriend" up for you. You know, I heard Rob was learning to use some kind of esoteric weaponry . . . maybe he'll give this jerk a once-over for you (which may just happen on accident if he starts "experimenting" without proper instruction).


PS - I like the interview format, Rob. You should syndicate it on a weekly basis. I particularly enjoy your engaging mode of questioning and your willingness to discuss hard issues.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

I particularly enjoy all that talk about the nipple hair. That was hot.

And can I just say that my nipple hair has never been longer. We're talking ridiculous length here, people. I've been growing out my head hair for a while and my nipple hair is keeping pace pretty well. I'm so proud.

Anonymous said...

Ro, He is abusive. He's hit me and I'm only a co-worker.
Beautiful interview. The nipple hair thing...eewww!!


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so happy I partially won the Bloggy award. It's torture putting up with him, but I know you're well aware of that. I don't know how you do it, kudos to you.

Thank you for the sound advice. Maybe you could help me out and get John to beat him up, he's a giant and I think he would do pretty well.

I think you should rogain your nipple. That way you could get a whole tuft of hair foot long nipple hair and you could braid it and put beads on it. THAT would be super hot.

I am sorry you have to deal with Rob's beatings as well. I am taking Lisa's advice and am currently looking for someone to off him. He will never hurt you again.


Scott said...

Wow, I gotta quit taking these trips on the weekend. I get so behind. Ok, blog time:

I have seen the nipple hair. Actually I saw the original one, a little known fact is that Timmy provoked Nick into tearing the original out one time after a madrigal dinner. As if madrigal dinners could get any gayer, add nipple hair pulling to the mix.

Ro, you need to get yourself a new man. Or slowly build up an immunity to botulism and then serve some badly canned beans. Like that one episode of Little House on the Praire, or maybe CSI. They all run together. - Scott