Monday, November 29, 2004

Happy Greenday!

Sooo.... I, through perfectly legal means, obtained the new greenday CD (American Idiot) and their greatest hits album (International Superhits). So that's why today is no longer Monday, but Greenday. And just so all my worried fans know, I'm starting to feel much better. So that's good! But this isn't a blog about me, it's about me at work. So this is what you've all missed out on today.

1) Smoking Sucks. Rene (QB) quit smoking Sept 18th. And she's still going strong. So that's awesome. Donna, another co-worker-overseer type person, said that she's quitting today! So that's two points for the ol' Lungs. And I would have everyone know, that this was NONE of my doing. As any of the other people here at work if they've EVER heard me preach about smoking or anything. What I can do, is try and support people once they've made their decision to stop. Which is why I'm taking a moment to say that "Rene is Awesome!!!!" and Donna is rapidly approaching awesomeness. I think everyone should give Rene a hug today... it really is a shame that I had to fire her today (multiple times).

2) The Links for today that have been passed around via company email today:
213 Things Skippy Can't Do This guy reminds me of my time in the army... had I been in the army that is. By all accounts and research, this is a fairly factual list of things that "Skippy" has actually been told that he cannot do, through either his own actions, or those of others around him. It's pretty entertaining.

The Hardee's Heartattack!
I think I'm in love... heart clogging love.

Squares This is Tim and I's new game for the day. I will go ahead and post the challenge to you all. We'll keep you updated on the highscores via comments, and you should do likewise. Currently Tim has the high with 185 squares and a score of 26,653. Good luck.

3) Finally the quote section. Scott, no one got your quote. Jen (here at work) got it because of the "Heat is On" hint, and that's about it. So congrats Jen on that, and to Scott for a difficult quote... for everyone else, the movie was "Beverly Hills Cop." So here's the one for today... Its from Jen and there's a bit of a lead in that I cut out (because it would make it ridiculously easy). So here you go:
"You want me to go to the graveyard with you..."
"Does Elvis talk to you? Does he tell you do to things? Do you see spots?"


Anonymous said...

Hey...thanks for fixing those typos. I'd be happy to volunteer my services as your Blog Editor--or Blogiter as the case may be.

Someone Who Will Never Reach True Awesomeness~

Scott said...

I somehow ran across the 213 Things Skippy Can't Do site in my online adventures. The funny thing is I think I was trying to build one of the robots from MST3K at the time. So I've seen it, but it's been a few years. So thanks for finding it for me again. Love that list.
Anyway, good job Jen on the quote. Now that I think about it, that quote was rediculously obscure. And the creepy part is, I didn't realize that. How arcane am I? I think I'll go ponder that while I point out how main stream Dennis Miller refrences are - Scott

Rob said...

alright, if no one gets the quote by 9 am tomorrow... I'm putting back in the part that I cut out. In which case makes the quote a million times easier. Bonus points of course if you can get it before I reach that point.

Scott said...

Oh man! I should have known that. I could answer and go on to quote the movie, but I googled it. If you had had the missing section, we definately would have gotten it. I thought it was an Evil Dead quote I somehow forgot, or some random Army of Darkness adlib. But I was way off. Hey, I just thought of like 20 good quotes. Man even when I fail I manage to be amazing. I'm truly kick ass. And humble! - Scott

Rob said...

"You want me to go to the graveyard with you because I’m the Chosen One and there are vampires?"
"Does Elvis talk to you? Does he tell you to do things? Do you see spots? "

Anonymous said...

Man, I'm a retard, that was what I was leaning towards before the clue. That comes from the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and yes the original did lie in the 80's kids.
Sorry to have let you down Rob, but I should have went with my gut. What's the procedure now? Do I give you a quote that I think up and post it myself? Awesome, whatever, however cheer up kids. I just found out the that Gospel according to Mark has been translated from the Greek into Klingon. Because that's useful? I'm off to find a Klingon translator for my own evil uses.