Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Now lets not lose focus...

Welcome to Rob's Blog. Welcome to Rob's World. Here I am king, master, and god. I am the preacher and you are all my people. Rob's universe is where we talk about animated boobs, superpowers, and anything else that is my choosing. It is not the place for any "serious" conversation of any sort. That's what the real world is for... this world is for me.

Now having said that: Gosh Damn! I'll be glad when this whole mess is over... I would like you all to notice that if I wanted to, I could have elaborated on what I meant by "mess" and by "over." But I choose not too. But "I" could... because its my universe and I am therefore exempt from all rules. It's hard to not blog about the election with it being such a huge thing right now. I mean, I voted and I'm sure all of my loyal fans have already made up their minds one way or the other and will definitely make their ways to the polls today. So whatever you all decide, just go vote. In the words of Stan on Southpark last week:
I learned that I'd better get used to having to pick between a douche and a turd sandwich because it's usually the choice I'll have.
So there you have it folks. Go Vote!
Now lets see... ponderance of the day:
Sea Monkeys: (I've never had my own but from my understanding they are) Dehydrated life form that is neither a monkey nor really even lives in the sea... Discuss.


Anonymous said...

Because this is your world, I think you should appease your loyal subjects and let us in a little into what this whole "mess" is and why you want it to be over. You can't leave us in suspense like that. That's liek walking into a room and looking everyone in the eye while saying quietly, "I know something you don't know" and then laughing in everyone's face. It's just not nice. Be civil, Rob.
And about the sea monkeys thing. I didn't know sea monkeys were even real. I thought they were just a fake pet that people pretended they had. Or movies used them as pets because having tiny monkey creatures living in water was a fun and fanciful idea. I think my sister had sea monkeys... but they all died because someone knocked over the tank, so I never got to see them. It's too bad really. I just googled "sea monkey" and I got this site that said "Creating life: the world's only instant pet"- kinda Frankensteinish don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Sea Monkeys 101:

"Probably the only pet that would make a snail look exciting." These words of wisdom come from my (somewhat) older and therefore (somewhat) more wordly hubby...Not to dispell the illusion that Sea Monkeys are really some mythical creature from beyond, but here's the deal. They start out as dehydrated eggs, and when you add water *poof* they grow into brine (sp?) shrimp...they die very quickly...much like my interest in working overtime in the stinky trailer.

There ya have it. Thanks Dave, for being a geek & actually knowing what Sea Monkeys are.

By the way, I just love staring at the 15,800 empty envelopes our beloved marketing firm mailed out. Every time I see those trays, I think "there goes my raise". Not that I would ever get a raise, I mean, I WAS one minute late coming back from lunch one time in 1987 & missed out at today's "attendance incentive" award ceremony...


Anonymous said...

I don't know anything about Sea Monkeys -- but I did have those little plastic capsule things that dissolved in water to reveal a really lame sponge toy. Man those were awesome!

And I can't believe you didn't know who Scott Baio is . . . next you're gonna tell me you've forgotten about Ricky Schroeder.


Anonymous said...

Sea Monkeys? Yeah never had the interest in them, however like Lisa my brother and I got a kick out of the shrunken sponges in pill form...the things you were entertained with as a kid.

Scott Baio is definately a classic hottie from the 80s..even though he could probably be my father and Ricky Schroeder is still damn cute...man I had a huge crush on him when i was like 7. haha But then I grew up and got into the junior high yeard it became Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Zach from Saved By the Bell) hot hot hot!


p.s. So Rob do you need a ride to the airport?? I'll be glad to drop you off! ;)

(doing a jig on a mutilated Kerry/Edwards sign....wooohoooo it's a bright sunshiny day) =)