Monday, November 15, 2004

Offensive is Funny

Hewwo Everybody! I'm back from my long weekend upstate and had an awesome time. Watched movies, ate good food, played games, saw Ro's sister in her Highschool Play... which prompts my next discussion. The play took place in a home for people with special needs. Therefore, all but two of the people in it were mentally handicapped in some way. The play was good, however it prompted Ro's brother and I to be as offensive as possible. Offensive is funny - this is not a new concept by any stretch of the imagination. When asked "So what'd you think of the play?" I of course responded with, "That play was Retarded." Now I believe there are rules for offensive being funny, and most importantly being, it should be clear that you are not serious in the slightest. Secondly, you should be considerate towards others who may overhear. Offensive may be funny, but actually offending people is not.

Anne (Ro's Sister) after the play said, it was ironic that the cast had used the term "retarded" more often now, than before the play, and that was hardly the desired goal. They said that it didn't make any sense, but it was true. I beg to differ. I believe that everyone in the play may have in fact, become much more sensitive to the issue. I don't believe sensitivity can be judged on what is said in jest, in private company. I know that as much as I may have joked about it at the time, if I ever heard anyone being derogatory or mean-spirited speaking of, or to, a mentally challanged person... it would be an entirely different story. I'd like to believe it may have had a similar effect on others. I believe that you show true character when given the opportunity to stand up for someone other than yourself... not when making a joke. A joke is just that. Not to be taken seriously, and is more often than not - an occasion when you are laughing at the ignorant people who truely think the way that you are mocking, and not the actual subject of the joke.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

First to post! I win!

Rob - can I use your blog in class this week? We're talking about language issues, and I think you've just raised a fabulous one.

Obscene is funny. If I thought otherwise I probably wouldn't be your friend. And I wouldn't get such a kick out of Tenacious D. Or Mel Brooks. You've got to make fun of someone; might as well be the people who think "gay" is an acceptable insult. As Swift once said, "Comedy is the vehicle through which we relieve the anxiety of a troubled society." Nah, I just made that up -- sounds more impressive coming from someone else. But God bless satire.


* This post has been made possible by ER, the Violent Femmes, Holiday Spice Pepsi, cupcakes made with soda, New Kids on the Block, Mr. Belvedere, and annual support from viewers like you.

Scott said...

Whoa, somebody's doing the Alan Alda version of M*A*S*H on his blog. Funny at first, then flip that switch to maudlin. Come off thy soapbox brother. 'Retard' isn't about retarded people, it's about people who use the word "irreguardless."

Of course I'm kidding, keep your soap box. You make a good point. I for one certainly enjoy being offensive. See my post:

But you're right, being offensive with out being funny is like being Zell Miller without being ape shit crazy. I mean, what's the appeal?

- Scott

P.S. Way to blog man, daily?! Amazing. I have to take weekend breaks.

Anonymous said...

Nice endorsements everyone. I'm adding the endorsement of Sierra Computer Games now that I think about it.
I would also like to quickly add my cent and a half to this subject, mainly because Rob cried to me this morning because I hadn't posted on his blog yet. I said something about trying to workand get things done with my day, but he would have none of it. Thus, here's my post you crybaby.
As I've known Rob for about a jabillion years, I've been there when he flipped his sister out of the treehouse, and pretty much every time he's injured her. That said, I can say that Rob walks the fine line between the most cynical person that I've met and acutely aware of any and all -ism's(raceism, sexism, blahblahism). I said aware of it folks, he'll joke about it all you want or usually, don't want, but he is rather stuck in his beliefs and for this, he's an alright guy.
Just to balance this swarmy blog out, Rob's chemically addicted to crepes, devoid of any body fat, and only a second rate alligator charge player. Sorry bro, I had to balance everything out. There's not room for you and your ego inside that doublewide.
this message brought to you by last minute despiration and fleeting inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I have known Rob all his life. Since he was a young lad (I mean 4 years of age) he learned what to say, when to say it, and how to say it to get the best possible results. Whether it was, “Robert what are you doing”?
To “Rob did you do that”? He always had a quick-witted answer. His sister would get so mad because the two of them would get in trouble,
she would end up mad in her bedroom behind closed
doors and Rob would joke his way out of it and smirk at her later. Rob is a jokester. He can defuse an argument or start one. If Rob believes he is right then there is not much you can do about changing his mind. He has his views
on life and he holds them through. He listens well and tries to help and you can always count on him to “figure it out”. He will rarely ever burden you with one of his own problems. All that said he is one of the best friends you can have. He is very loyal, entertaining, funny, and has great ideas of fun stuff to do.


PS.. Retarded is one of Rob’s favorite words to describe most anything… ie.........the dog, his sister, his computer

Rob said...

Man, what this post lacked in # of comments... Thanks a lot work people and Timmy Tapeworm... it made up for in content. You all get gold stars for your quality posts. Lisa for using my post in her college english class. Scott for, well, Scott gets a gold star just because I want him to feel included and I don't want to exclude anyone on my blog right now (I really need the numbers). Josh for again leading in the point game. I'll let you figure out for yourself how many he got (hint: he lost 1 for calling me a crybaby). And Mom for telling good stories about me making Jamie mad. Gold stars all around!