Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Turkey, Turkey Tofurkey

(sing the title to the tune of "The Name Game")

Alright, So it's a little soon for Thanksgiving posts, but I've got some fodder to play with. Updates on what's going on in the trailer park that I call work: We opened some mail yesterday and all it had in it was a note that said "Bite Me Bitch!!!" It could have been a 20-30 year old guy, but it hardly seems right that a younger guy would get all up in arms about "junk mail." That's normally our 50-90 year old demographic. And it makes it funnier to think of a 80 year old guy with Parkinson's (refer to last post) saying 'bite me bitch'.

Being Boiled Hurts: LobsterLib.com and What's Wrong With Eating Turkeys
Peta has been coming in full force with the holiday season approaching. Did you know that "Turkeys are interesting, intelligent, resourceful, curious, agile and beautiful". I hope you remember that this Thanksgiving. Also remember that

"Factory-farmed birds are fed antibiotics and have been purposely bred to gain an enormous amount of weight in a short period of time. This leads to painful, swollen joints, crippled feet, and heart attacks."

Was that last part about the Turkeys? or the American Public? And who are they kidding? Do they think we want to eat some anorexic, skin and bones, turkey for our thanksgiving feast? I think not!

Breyn posed a good question to me earlier: Tofu-rkey. Good Thanksgiving Alternative, Disgusting Concept, or just a Really Funny Word.

Everyone remember to be thankful this holiday, and I want to give us all the chance to start preparing for the inevitable question: What are you thankful for? So Let me provide the space to share some of your own ideas and help others brainstorm. I, for one am thankful for Kristen Kruek, The Incredibles, Chocolate, We haven't been nuked... yet, Southpark, My computer, and My Blogittes.

(*Geeze, I had a lot of typos on this thing... fixed 'em though)


Anonymous said...

Ahh, Rob, what a fantastic thought. I would like to agree that PETA has some fantastic thoughts on public relations work. During my two month stint as a vegitarian(thankfully this didn't overlap thanksgiving or any other holidays that center around eating) I know that they can get a little wacky with their PR. That said I'm going to go to your recommended websites and see what they have to say about that.
To close, I'd like to say that I'm thankful for tofu-rkey, which I can't stop saying and giggling at. I'm also thankful that I have still have all attached finger and toes, my friends and family, Allyn, fabricating papers for school, the canals of Venice, the towers of Pisa, and Blogs and Flash games, without you I could not waste time as effectively as I do.

Rob said...

That's right! You were a vegitarian for a little while back there. I suprised however, that you left out Doners. Have you managed to find any of those pieces of work lately?? Now THOSE were gross.

I also recall a comic book given out by peta... It told the story of a cute little fox playing with a cute little boy's cute little puppy. Until it is graphically captured, and killed and skinned. The little boy cries 'cause he lost his new cute little fox friend and Mommy buys the fur coat made from the fox. It told kids to harrass thier mommies about wearing your little friends... ahh peta.

Also thanks for the reminder of The Canals of Venice... the only city that may look better in the rain (Damn Picturesque Italy). And it brought back another fond memory - The canals of Amsterdam! Wooohooo!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm thankful to have eternal life, peace, joy and some patients thanks to Jesus. I'm also thankful for my good health, my family, having a job and most of all being thankful for Rob working here with me at Wlpp for two years. If he can put up with me he can put up with anybody. (Nope at this point I'm not a vegan sorry)!!


Anonymous said...

You know, I saw a PETA billboard the other day I could actually say I agreed with. It said "Spay today, save a life tomorrow." I was so surprised to see those people make a sane argument that I almost wrecked my jeep. Other than that, though, the organization probably considers me to pretty much be the antichrist...and I wouldn't have it any other way.
-- Mike

Scott said...
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Scott said...

I was in New York, it was summer. Like the middle of July in New York City and some insane PeTA protesters were explaining to us all that fur was murder. I, being the clever man that I am, announced loudly to Steve that I was glad I thought to bring my mink coat because the bus is so cold I didn't know what I would do without the suffering of animals to keep me warm. To which they hissed.

As far as the suffering of the turkey goes, well what has the turkey done for us lately? Fattening us, making us sleepy, generally doing some unproductive gobbling. I say we're doing them a *favor* by eating them. They aren't even really worthy, but they are so damn tasty we can overlook that.

The only turkey I really like (and those of you who know me best recogonize this as my symbol) is the hand turkey. Starting sometime in high school I decided that since I was the guy who finished his test first, I should use that time to doodle on the back of the last page. This quickly evolved into a sketch of my hand that morphed into the Hand Turkey. I kid you not to this day in college I'll turn in a test with a hand turkey on the back of it. And always a speech bubble saying: Gobble Gobble, *Insert timely and clever message here*. Ah, to be young and immature. My professors generally like it though.

As far as thankfulness goes: Allison Mack, Erica Durance (rounding out the Smallville Girls), RORY GILMORE!!!!! Greatly thankful for that one, blogs, my pimp apartment, freedom of speech, being faster than those chasing me. - Scott

Rob said...

Way to double post Scotty.

Just so everyone knows, that wasn't censorship, it was me cleaning up Scott's mess.

Anonymous said...

Wow I have so so much to be thankful for...First off I would like to give my thanks to this blog for providing my 15 seconds of fame as the so mentioned creator of the Tofu-rkey blog idea...Thank you Rob...so so very much! I can't express my gratitude enough, I have reached the pennicle, the apex, the highest peak...there's nowhere to go but down from here and for that I am grateful.

What else I am grateful for...my wonderful Great Dane - Cosette - the coolest dog ever, New Kids on The Block and the wonderful concert they put on when I was 8 (I'm still waiting for a reunion), Seinfeld re-runs, PIXAR the founding fathers of Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and of course The Incredibles (without them our lives would be ever so much duller), Pop Rocks, Popples, Puttin on your winter coat and finding a $5 that was left from the winter before, Mr. Bubble, Strawberry Shortcake, Weebles that wobble but don't fall down,

and lastly I am thankful that I live in a country where insects and creepy crawly things are NOT considered a delicacy but rather we have professional people who are trained especially to KILL them, Thank You professional exterminator, for you I am grateful! (I wonder if that has ever been an issue for PETA?)


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for God and for our President....I am thankful that I don't like Turkey and so don't get sleepy Thanksgiving day, I am thankful that Christmas is only 6 Saturdays away. I am thankful for Smallville, because it keeps my husband occupied while I am cleaning...I am thankful the most for Charmed for giving me a little bit of fun times!


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my job and the fact that it lets me meet cool people like Rob and allows me to be able to give my family decent presents for christmas this year. I am thankful for my fiancee. I am thankful that our president is an intellige...wait, nevermind. I am thankful for PETAs many nude protests, especially those including attractive famous people.