Monday, December 20, 2004

Alright, you all may not believe this... but my scanner died. Sooo this may put a damper on my picture selection. Luckily I had one picture emailed to me that was taken at a friend's wedding. So I hope this satisfies for the time being... if not, just complain and I'll see what I can do.

And fine, I'll try and refrain from putting up my injuries on the website... unless it's a GOOD one. I was just trying to help tie you all into every aspect of my life. And Tim, you already know what Ro looks like. Is this like the time you asked for a lock of her hair? I have to question your motives.


Anonymous said...

God she's hott! What a wonderful picture!!! Have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!!

Anonymous said...

Rob you think your so sneaky! I know how good you are at photoshop. Trying to superimpose a model next to you and then playing it off as your "girlfriend" won't fool anyone! She's just way too pretty to be dating you. I'm mean honestly Rob do you really have a girlfriend or are you just making this up? Isnt it a little weird that your name is R-O-B and her name just happens to be R-O. A little too much of a co-ink-e-dink if you ask me. If you were smart you would of played it off that your g/f was Jennifer or Kayla or Samantha or something, now that would of fooled us.

Breyn =)

Anonymous said...

Ro ~ You must be one of those people that are truly do look for what's on the inside, because Rob isn't much to look at!

Rob~ Just kidding! You know I love ya! I bet you're totally making up that whole karate thing...Ro beats you up, doesn't she? You can admit it! She's tuff and you're a you have to make up some manly reason for having all those bruises....there are support groups for that you know!


Rob said...

I thought of photoshoping for a minute there... I was gonna put Kristin Kreuk next to me. But I figured if I did it once, then you'd never believe any other pictures I put up in the future (Besides, I'm saving that for my picture of Timmy-Boy Wrestling a Pig in a Kiddie pool of Oil and wearing only a speedo.)

Tabby, are you saying I'm beautiful on the inside? Watch out, that almost backfired into a compliment. ;) But you're all right, she is Pretty... Its a shame I had to sell my soul to the devil and all to make it work out between us. Eh, it's the price you must pay I guess.

Anonymous said...


Rob, I'm glad I was worthwhile enough for you to sell your soul. No one has ever done that for me before. That gives me warm fuzzies.

Don't think that I haven't tried to beat Rob up. Oh, I've tried amd then we played mercy and I thought my arm would snap in two.
