Friday, December 03, 2004

Free Friday!!!

"Free Friday!!!" is a term that my good friend Kim coined at work on day when everyone was being... ummmm... let's say loud and less than productive throughout the trailer. Kim however was swamped with stuff and in a slightly exhasparated, and slightly audible gruff stated, "Well, I must have missed them memo. I didn't realize today was Free Friday." I, overhearing her, made a sign with balloons and streamers and "Free Friday" written in bold colorful letters and posted it on her wall. It has been a reoccuring theme (when I remember) to give her little post-its, or emails, or signs every friday to remind her of the new holiday. So I hope you all can start these traditions at your own places of employment. It's a great way to wrap up the week.

Anyways, today was exciting. We got to see our new homes within the main building. We will be officially out of the disease ridden hell hole that is the perverbial armpit of American Water by wednesday. I already have all my stuff packed into a box and it's sitting on my computer right now. I may be a tad early, but hey like I said, we're excited.

I also stumbled across a job opening with the American Heart Association. It's a managerial type position... I'll keep everyone posted on that as information becomes available. Its a St. Louis Job and starting pay said 35-45 a year. So I could deal with that. I emailed them today and will have my resume fixed up and submited this weekend.

Finally, today was good, because I felt like I was truely missed by all my loyal fans... even if I think Josh and Tim made up 11 of the 18 comments. You guys are all awesome and you give me a reason to go to work everyday. That's right, I hold updating this blog as the single most important reason to continue going to work every morning... that's how awesome my current job is.

My Linkage for the Day:
My Favorite (non Homestar Runner) Comic, The Grim Dot Com, dealt with the Grim Reaper being the host of a Darwin Awards Ceremony. So that's awesome. And there's something else a bit troubling that I came across today as well when purusing Google News today. Actually I had heard it earlier this week on NPR (National Public Radio), but I hear a lot of things on NPR and I like finding traceable, verifible information before passing it on - if nothing else, so you can do your own research. And yes, I did say I listen to NPR. If my choice is between Howard Stern and NPR on the way to work, I'll take NPR. True, I do normally listen to 89.9 "College Radio's Best," but sometimes they play crappy emo stuff and I'm forced to change the channel. (Speaking of which, Josh - you should check out "Spilled Canvas" or something like that). Woah, WAY off topic... anyways here's the article: Many Abstinence Only Sex Ed Programs Promote Ignorance and Fear. So that's your brain food for the day. Do with it as you wish.

And the quote for the day is still Tim's, mainly 'cause it's a really good one. Classic.
"This damn bike. I hate this bike. I hate this frigging bike. Stupid bike."

Sorry for the late post, I hope you can forgive. Good job Tim. Good job everyone. And a good weekend too!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Good luck with The American Heart Association! That would be awesome if you got the job. I hope you hear from them soon.
The Free Friday thing is such a good idea. You help keep morale up at your place of employment. You're like American Water's own personal cheerleader. Good for you!


Scott said...

Timmy, tisk tisk. You try to slip some Karate Kid past us? Like we're some kind of people you can slip the Karate Kid past? It took me a minute, but I finally got this quote. It's when he's being a little b*tch like he spends half the movie being. "Teach me the sweep, because I'm a whiney proto-emo kid." Waaah.

Here's a legit quote for you:

"Alright, Lightman. Maybe you can tell us who first suggested the idea of reproduction without sex."
"Umm, your wife?"

What a classic. And it sounds like something I've said. How can it miss?! Anyway good luck on the job interview Rob. Although I hope in your next job you can Blog as much as you do in this one. Just make sure when they ask you where you see yourself in five years you don't say "Blogging on a nicer computer at work" If anything say on a comparable computer. That way you don't sound too arrogant. - Scott

Rob said...

Alright! Just so everyone knows, I wasn't censoring any posts... Ro posted twice, and I was trying to delete one of them, and things got a little outta hand. Ro's post is back up in original form.

Secondly... It's WAR GAMES!!! Our good boy Matthew Broderick's first big role. He's smarting off to his teacher in class. I'll have you know Scott, it took me a few minutes and it was the wisecrack, not the fact that his name is in it, that lead me to the victory here. Awesome movie, I just watched it on DVD like 2 months ago.

Lastly. I think kids should have more sex. Much more sex. At younger and younger ages. I am totally anti-abstinence... Alright, now if you think that's what I meant by posting that link - you're crazy. I'm totally anti-misleading and misconstrued information. Its just like when I hear someone spout off some incorrect drug/alcohol related information. As much as I would like to convice the world to see the way I do, no good comes from giving bad facts. As soon as the kid figures out that the percentage is actually 33% instead of 75%, all they're gonna think is: "F that. The bastards lied to us." And all your credibility goes out the window. So totally counter-productive.

That's all. I got the quote. In Your Faces!

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Oh man, I love War Games. "Shall we play a game?" So great.

Scotty - Yeah, I didn't expect that quote to be too difficult. I just wanted to talk about The Karate Kid. What a classic. Daniel-san has a lot in common with another famous movie hero: Luke Skywalker. Because they were both whiny little girls at some point in their respective journeys to herodom.

Rob - I enjoyed the link very much, Rob. I'm a big fan of abstinence, as my extreme virginity can attest to. But I find abstinence-only sex ed to be pretty freaking ignorant, and that article shows why. And you must be confused - 89.9 plays AWESOME emo stuff.

Anonymous said...

Apparently I haven't been checking Rob's page frequently enough -- miss one day and you're out of the loop forever! Sheesh! That's what I get for trying to do my homework. Never again.

I think Eat the Elderly's debut album should be called "An Immodest Proposal." Track 1: "Youth in Asia." (Gold star if you find either of those amusing.) And it's totally an 80s hair band.

Rob, if you get a job in STL, does that mean you'd move away from home? And have your own place? Our little boy's all grows up!


Timmy Tapeworm said...

I find your comments hilarious, Lisa! I know Jonathan Swift! I'm smart too! Can I have a gold star from the smart English TA?

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Okay, that was blatant pandering and I apologize. I'm very lonely.

Timmy Tapeworm said...


Oh wait, somebody already got it. Dang it...

Oh wait, it was me who posted the quote in the first place. Dang it...

Rob said...

Tim - step away from the computer... Go find real live people to talk to. Please.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

But I like the computer, Rob. It is my friend. It does not laugh at my chicken arms and make fun of my stylishly unstyled hair. It is much better than people...

Scott said...

Yeah, I bet you'll stick to that opinion when you're 34 and desperately dry humping the USB ports won't you Mr. Computer Fetishist? WON'T YOU. Prevert! I know I just wrote prevert, and it was an accident. But now I think that it is the next step beyond pervert. And henceforth that shall be the term. - Scott

P.S. I'm in a writing class, the teacher thinks I'm doing my journal writing. Muwahhhaahah